This is a world first: 11 final year students from Alzon high school selected as young UN diplomats

This is a world first: 11 final year students from Alzon high school selected as young UN diplomats

Les 11 élèves de terminale de d’Alzon, brillants jeunes diplomates de l’ONU. D.R – Midi Libre

Ces onze élèves en terminale spécialité géopolitique de l’Institut d’Alzon ont été sélectionnés pour devenir Jeunes diplomates de l’ONU sous la houlette de l’ONG Campus Watch, spécialisée dans les actions contre les violences scolaires et les cyberviolences. Une aventure unique en son genre.

Lenny Pamart, director of the NGO Campus Watch (specializing in actions against school violence and cyberviolence for healthy and positive school climates, with whom D’Alzon has been working closely for five years) is categorical  : "This is a world first !" Hand in hand with Véronique Rozga, professor of Geopolitical, the idea of ​​allowing a selection of students to get even more involved alongside the UN germinated quickly. nbsp;write a cover letter, that Méline, Elise, Lou, Antoine, Alix, Samuel, Ilian, Camille, Elsa, Zoé and Evan have joined the Young Diplomat project and provide a real report to the UN on rights children from a list of listed countries.

30% of schools have drinking water

For three months, in pairs or alone, the Nîmes high school students worked hard in search of information to support their investigation into the country in question. Evan chose Bhutan. "As I immersed myself in various reports and articles, what initially shocked me was that only 30% of Bhutanese schools are equipped with drinking water. Then the fact that if 9 out of 10 children go to primary school, very few continue in secondary school. They are sent to work very early".

Zoé, she is passionate about Namibia. "I chose this country to deepen the little knowledge I had about it and to learn about this part of the world. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to find information. The language barrier clearly complicated my task. I focused my file on the impact of climate change on school climates. By narrowing my search field I began to find more and more information. And I was very surprised in a good way to see that Namibia was really trying to put things in place. For example, since 2013, following very serious floods, they created the National Council. It meets every six months and discusses climate migrations, floods, droughts… I would have loved to go even further and have time to contact schools and get testimonials, but we only had three months to complete our report."

A job worthy of diplomats

Reports which left the members of the NGO Campus Watch speechless. "The students' work is very rich, precise and perfectly sourced& quot;, rejoices Lenny Pamart who fought to bring this ambitious project to life, recalling that "very often we consult young people. We haven't invented anything, but their work has no weight. It’s different this time. Each of their reports will be read, like those produced by other NGOs and adults. Then on May 24, UN experts will meet to deliver their analysis."

A seriousness and a commitment which will be celebrated in d’Alzon with families and loved ones, on May 30, the date on which the 11 Nîmes will receive the prize for the Peace education.

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