“This vote is historic”: the Senate largely adopts the inclusion of the right to abortion in the Constitution

“This vote is historic”: the Senate largely adopts the inclusion of the right to abortion in the Constitution

Le Sénat a voté l'inscription de l'IVG dans la Constitution. MAXPPP – Josselin CLAIR

It is this Wednesday, February 28, 2024 that the Senate will examine the text relating to the inclusion of voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the Constitution. Monday February 26, Senator LR Philippe Bas tabled an amendment to modify the text.

A historic vote. The Senate has just adopted by an overwhelming majority the inclusion of the right to abortion in the Constitution. A solemn vote in the Hemycicle confirmed Tuesday, January 30, the principle of including in the Constitution the notion of "guaranteed freedom" for women to access abortion.  

this Monday, February 26, Senator Les Républicains (LR), Philippe Bas, tabled an amendment with the aim of modifying the text which includes only one article:   "The law determines the conditions under which the freedom guaranteed to a woman to have recourse to a voluntary termination of pregnancy is exercised."  With his amendment, the senator wanted to remove the term "guarantee" to keep only the term "liberté". 

267 votes for and 50 votes against

The only obstacle to the senatorial vote, Philippe Bas's amendment was rejected by a very large majority of 214 votes against 104. The senate subsequently voted for the registration of abortion in the constitution with 267 votes for and 50 votes against.

"The Senate has written a new page in women's rights, this vote is historic" reacted the guard Sceaux Éric Dupond-Moretti.

A congress must now take place at the beginning of next week. Indeed, the Senate and the National Assembly must meet in Congress on Monday at the beginning of the afternoon for the third stage of the parliamentary shuttle.

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