“To protect your heart, move every day!”: a prevention day organized on September 29 at the Jardin de la fontaine

"To protect your heart, move every day!": a prevention day organized on September 29 at the Jardin de la fontaine

Marianne Jullian-Gaufrès and Steven Lemonier are organizing “Anime your heart” on Sunday, September 29. Midi Libre – K. H.

On Sunday, September 29, for World Heart Day launched by the WHO, the association Cœur et Santé is mobilizing on the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Marianne Jullian-Gaufres, its president, and Steven Lemonier, sports coach, remind us of the good habits to (re)take.

We all know it, but do we really do it? “You need to do at least thirty minutes of physical activity a day to live as long as possible and in good health and have energy”, insist Marianne Jullian-Gaufres, cardiology nurse at the Franciscaines, who created the association Cœur et Santé in 2019, and Steven Lemonier, sports coach. They organize “Animes ton cœur” at the fountain gardens to raise awareness of the risks of cardiovascular diseases and the essential prevention. “Accessible to all with a little effort”, they smile.

cardiovascular diseases, the leading causes of death in the world

Car“A sedentary lifestyle kills as many people as tobacco” and cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, with 18 million people, or a third of all deaths. “In France, 400 people die from it every day and it is the leading cause of death among women over 50”, warns Marianne Jullian-Gaufres. The studies are alarming. Sitting and lack of daily activity increase cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol. “The more time spent sitting, the shorter the life expectancy, and children and adolescents are particularly affected”,recalls the association, quoting Professor François Carré, an expert from the French Federation of Cardiology.

Not forgetting the other risk factors, tobacco, junk food and stress, “if the brain is fine, the body is fine”, recalls Steven Lemonier.

Put on your sneakers and walk with the coach!

Sunday  September 29, starting at 10am, the association Coeur et Santé du Gard, with the support of the City and the Franciscaines clinic, is organizing Anîmes ton coeur at the Bosquet des Jardins de la fontaine.

Sports coach Steven Lemonier will offer two introductory sessions to physical activity (warm-up and walking), from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm. “Caring workshops open to everyone, sick or not. Each session will be followed by a time for discussion between participants,” he reassures.

“And we will be lucky enough to have a stand with a dietician from the association and a cardiologist from the Franciscaines all day long,” adds Marianne Jullian-Gaufrès.

Since 2019, the Coeur et Santé du Gard association has been offering free therapeutic education programs attended by around a hundred people with coronary heart disease or on anticoagulants each year. With workshops on dietetics, physical activity, stress, treatment, expert patients… “These programs help reduce complications and early mortality and provide psychological support”.Contact: 06 13 02 30 47.

So, on Sunday, September 29, they will remind people how to take care of their heart, as a preventative measure but also as a secondary preventative measure, after a heart condition, while the majority could be avoided with a healthier lifestyle (see box).

Thirty minutes of physical activity per day

“Doing 30 minutes of physical activity every day is easy and very beneficial”, smiles Steven Lemonier. And physical activity is not necessarily sport, “a word that can be scary when you have never done it… but walking or even vacuuming or gardening", in short, move! And if you can't do them all at once, you can split them into three ten-minute sessions. “It's better to be regular every day than to do three hours of sport on the weekend.”

“The WHO's recommendation to take 10,000 steps a day is good. You have to create a dependency… on activity", jokes the coach. Most people already take 4,000 to 6,000 steps a day. Halfway there… With a little effort, you can reach 10,000!

Another pillar for a healthy heart is diet, while 18% of the population is obese in France. Here again, small habits to change on a daily basis will make all the difference: “Remove processed products, reduce sugar, reduce portions, favor fiber and vegetables to avoid insulin spikes”, explains Marianne Jullian-Gaufres.

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