Tumbling and Dutch billiards on the menu for the Saint-Nazaire intergenerational Olympics

Tumbling and Dutch billiards on the menu for the Saint-Nazaire intergenerational Olympics

Jeunes et seniors partagent les mêmes loisirs.

Trente-sept enfants des cours moyens 1 et 2 des écoles de Saint-Nazaire et de Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas et 41 seniors se sont défiés en équipes à travers des activités ludiques.

The second edition of the intergenerational Olympics was a success as the figures indicate: 37 CM1/CM2 children from the schools of St-Nazaire and St Julien de Peyrolas and 41 seniors challenged themselves as a team through wooden games like tumbling, Dutch billiards, target coat, pitch car,… and outdoor games like pull ball, scratch ball and cardiogoal.

Medals for all

A dictation and two quizzes completed this event. They were hosted by the mayor of Saint-Nazaire Gérald Missour. Like all Olympics, young people and seniors received medals! However, all participants were entitled to a reward for their participation and their sympathy.

Partners mobilized

This event would not have been possible without the partnership with Terre de jeux, the commune of Saint-Nazaire, the commune of Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas, the department of Gard, and the ;rsquo;InterG30-Saperlipopette association. The organizers of this day congratulate the partners for their support and their involvement in the supervision of this event, this is the case of the Lavastre bakery , Las Patatas Bravas as well as the teachers Mme Champetier and Mme Roux and to Audrey, Serge and Philippe !

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