Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

The Bastard Hotel, which dates from the 18th century, has 14 accommodations, from T2 to T4. Diane Petitmangin

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

The stairwell and its ironwork have been renovated according to the rules of the art. Diane Petitmangin

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

L’édifice offre des recoins et une cour intérieure très graphiques. Diane Petitmangin

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

Some accommodations at the Bastard hotel have a small private garden. Diane Petitmangin

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

The Ajac Hotel is still under construction. Diane Petitmangin

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

Two private mansions in the old center of Béziers, transformed, after renovation, into housing dedicated to employees.

Tous les éléments patrimoniaux remarquables sont conservés. Diane Petitmangin

L’opération, pilotée depuis un peu plus de deux ans par In’Li Sud-Ouest, filiale immobilière du groupe Action Logement, a permis de réhabiliter les hôtels Ajac et Bastard, datant des XIVe et XVIIIe siècles, et de les transformer en 25 logements d’exception en plein cœur de ville.

In the rules of the art… In’Li Sud-Ouest, real estate subsidiary of the Action Logement group specializing in intermediate housing, unveiled this Friday, April 12, the exemplary renovation that the company has piloted on two private mansions in the old center of Béziers , as part of the Action Cœur de ville system, intended to revitalize medium-sized towns, which are often dying for the benefit of their outskirts, and to attract an active population there.

The municipality has in fact entrusted to In’Li (in the form of sale at low prices) these outdated buildings, dilapidated, decrepit and ravaged by the years, in order to that they be restored and returned to residential use. Concerning the Ajac hotel, located at 3 rue Paul-Riquet and dating from the 14th century, "this building was in ruins, underlines& nbsp;Mayor Robert Ménard. When I arrived at the town hall, we had a few offices there, with associations downstairs but we couldn't climb the stairs, it was so dangerous.< /p>

A second life for historical heritage

Architect Frédéric Fiore and the site teams pushed perfectionism to the point of restoring a square turret, identified on documents dating from the Middle Ages, with its glazed tiles on the corners of the four faces and to completely reconstruct the medieval cut stone staircase. Likewise, the remarkable marble chimney towers have been preserved or the old tiles restored throughout the 11 accommodations.

"It’is much more expensive than buying new, of course, indicates François Magne, regional director of Action Logement Services, but it allows us to give a second life to this magnificent and historical heritage, and to bring back workers to the city center with affordable rents". Especially since the buildings are refurbished but meet today's environmental standards. "We must have a C energy label at most’ ;quot;.

Ancient materials

The Bastard hotel, which dates from the beginning of the 18th century, now offers 14 accommodations, renovated "with respect for the old volumes, therefore quite large". The common areas offer "a very beautiful staircase and a courtyard of honor with a large door which signaled a royal presence in the 18th century", underlines Damien Euzet, heritage architect.

"What is interesting is that the project owner respected these large volumes but also the choice of materials old to restore its character to the place (staff ceilings, cut stone walls, lime coatings…). Which is a guarantee of sustainability for the building because the introduction new materials can weaken it", continues the man of the art, "proud to reveal the beauty of our city's heritage".

Rents under control

"Finally, we arrive with an intermediate rental offer, with controlled rents of around 7 €/m2 or 7.50 €/m2 for house employees in the private sector who cannot qualify for social housing, indicates Mikael Loyer, the general director of In’Li. The interest is that with a stock of 6,000 housing units, we have real know-how to manage work from A to Z, including the cost, given the technical, architectural or heritage constraints, still amounts to more than of 3 000 €/m2".

In’Li has already opened the "marketing" from the Bastard hotel to local private companies. For Ajac, we will have to wait until the end of the work and the start of the school year in September.

In a few figures

The hotel Ajac includes 11 accommodations, from T1 to T3, between 34 m2 and 96 m2, for a total area of ​​617 m2. And rents varying from 439 € (charges included, with parking space in Charles-de-Gaulle included) for a T2 of 36.2 m2 à 739 € for a duplex T3 of 96.1 m2.

L’hôtel Bastard offers 14 accommodations, from T2 to T4, and a total surface area of ​​987 m2. Rents range from 449 € (charges included, with parking space à Jean-Jaurès included) for a T2 of 39.23  m2 à 929 for a T4 of 99.46 m2.

The total budget for the renovation (which takes into account the increase in materials) in Ajac rises to & ;agrave; 2 228 297 €, of which 930 748 € under the Action Cœur de ville scheme (grant and loan) from Action Logement Services, and à 4 180 136 €, including 1 275 444 €, d’ALS.

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