Unanimous satisfaction around the new Lunel ophthalmology center

Unanimous satisfaction around the new Lunel ophthalmology center

Health and political authorities inaugurated the ophthalmology center. Midi Libre – JPS

Unanimous satisfaction around the new Lunel ophthalmology center

The director of the ARS, accompanied by the president of the Clinipole Group and the mayor of Lunel, visited the ophthalmology center. Midi Libre – JPS

Unanimous satisfaction around the new Lunel ophthalmology center

Les médecins regroupés au centre d'ophtalmologie et les autorités lors des discours. Midi Libre – JPS

Ouverte depuis début janvier au deuxième étage du Bâtiment C de la clinique Via Domitia, la nouvelle plate-forme dédiée à la vision a été inaugurée ce mardi soir, en grande pompe.

The bosses of the regional health agency of Occitanie and Hérault Didier Jaffre and Mathieu Pardell, the president of Lunel Agglo and mayor of Lunel Pierre Soujol, the president of the Clinipole Group Serge Constantin and dozens of health professionals flocked this Tuesday evening to the 2nd floor of Building C of the Via Domitia clinic.

Eight vision professionals

It is there, in a specially built and equipped space that the new Lunel ophthalmology center was inaugurated. Open since the beginning of January, the structure brings together 8 professionals (some belong to the MCO group, others are former liberals who already worked in Lunel) including five ophthalmologists and three orthoptists. At the cutting edge in terms of equipment, this vision platform can rely, if necessary, on the services offered by the clinic, in particular surgery. Above all, this new ophthalmology center brings an additional stone to the health offer in the region. A response to the needs of residents welcomed by the health and political authorities during the speeches which followed the symbolic cutting of the tricolor ribbon.

Further develop the healthcare offer

« The partnership established between the MCO Group and the doctors already present in Lunel gives scope to ophthalmology in Lunelois, a territory which, in terms of visual health, has nothing to be ashamed of. compared to Nîmes or Montpellier », underlined Frédéric Mura, ophthalmologist from the MCO Group on the initiative of the Lunel center.
In the process, Dr. Serge Constantin, behind the creation of the Via Domitia clinic with Dr. Jean-Paul Rouvière, insisted on « the attractiveness of Lunel for general practitioners and specialists. » The president of Clinipole also indicated that « The opening of the ophthalmology center is undoubtedly not the last piece in the Health Center building. We hope to continue to develop the care offer. »

The pursuit of land control

A message received 5 out of 5 by Pierre Soujol. The elected official congratulated himself on « the arrival of an additional public service for the people of Lunel » and assured his interlocutors of the City’s support for future projects. He notably recalled « continued control of land around the health center. An idea from my predecessors which was excellent and which we are continuing. »
In conclusion, the director of the ARS Didier Jaffre recalled that « Lunel is a territory that continues to grow demographically, which requires investment in all public services, including health. » Confiding his concern for « meet the health needs of residents », the director also insisted on the fact that « To meet this major challenge, the union of public and private is essential. » Moreover, in the process, Didier Jaffre greeted « the vision of those who, here, more than 20 years ago, chose public and private cooperation. »

Questions to Didier Jaffre, director of ARS Occitanie

Où This is the project to transfer the nursing home from the hospital center to the health center, a project that the ARS supports financially but which you seemed to support. & be somewhat irritated; by slowness…

Let’s say that it took a little pressure but the project is being done and will be done. What I especially said to you those who are in charge of this project, it is necessary to move much faster because the projects announced in 2021 by the State, in the within the framework of S&eac;gur de la sant&eac;, are coming true. Especially since the needs of an aging population are real. We therefore asked; &agrav; To help the management of hospital establishments accelerate, that’s what they’re doing. The project will be completed on schedule because it cannot be otherwise.

What is the meaning of your presence in this world? the inauguration of the new Lunel ophthalmology center ?

I want to underline the exemplary nature of public-private cooperation in this territory, a cooperation that works. That liberal professionals, a clinic and a hospital come together in the same place and offer the full scope of their services. of the provision of care, it is the right vision of health for everyone and everywhere. Here, the spiral is virtuous: there is a Communityé professional and territorial health (CPTS) which functions well, a clinic and a hospital which cooperate, and elected officials whose role is fundamental, even determining , to move projects forward. After ça works here but not elsewhere because it’s a human story. It’s the willé of women and men to be there, to talk to each other and to work together.

Do you always support the development of health centers? ?

Yes, we support all initiatives proposed by professionals but you must first have the arms.

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