Unions worried about the questioning, in Gard, of the rights of agricultural employees

Unions worried about the questioning, in Gard, of the rights of agricultural employees

Le Gard, c'est aujourd'hui plus de 10 000 emplois équivalents temps plein. Midi Libre – Midi Libre

Dans le Gard, les syndicats craignent une remise en cause des droits sociaux des salariés agricoles. Les négociations sur un accord départemental concernant la convention collective sont interrompues.

Since this Monday, in Gard, negotiations between representatives of agricultural employers – the FDSEA – and employee unions, on a new departmental agreement concerning the collective agreement for agricultural employees, are broken. The representatives of the unions slammed the door and denounced the die-hard of the FDSEA who would like, "to go back on social achievements"

A national collective agreement for agricultural production and Cuma was signed in September 2020.  Since then, the FDSEA of three departments (Gard, Le Lot and Garonnne) have wished to renegotiate the departmental agreements of this collective agreement which would be more favorable…  &amp ;quot;to comply" with the national collective agreement. 

More than 10,000 jobs in Gard

"Agreements at local level can be more favorable", insists Diane Grandchamp, the national representative of Fnaf- CGT.  The unions are therefore demanding that in Gard, executives, agricultural technicians and supervisors continue to benefit from the 13th month bonus.  This February 23, in a press release, these unions also affirm that "the mobilizations of farmers have resulted in government measures contrary to the rights of employees." This is aimed at,  the simplification of working time exemptions with  weeks of 60 to 70 hours for employees"… " With disastrous consequences on working conditions". The unions also highlight, the lifting of environmental standards concerning pesticides which endanger the health of employees. "Farmers benefit from numerous aids, their social conditionality becomes an essential measure to be taken in the future. emergency."

Gard today has 10,300 full-time equivalent jobs. Including many seasonal workers, recalls Anne Garetta, representative of the CGT of the former Languedoc region. "These negotiations are very important for the employees… And we have never had so many employees joining a union."  The FDSEA "told us that if we couldn'agree, they would denounce these agreements local. But the FDSEA's proposals in Gard are less attractive. We also fear losing a lot in terms of seniority and Sunday work. We keep these little gains and advantages!"

In Gard, it is Laurent Paillat, FDSEA, president of the "employments and training" commission. who is leading these negotiations. " Over the past 3 years, we have had 23 meetings to reach an agreement. This should allow a rethinking, recalls the president of the commission who was this Friday at the agricultural show. And I remind you that the law prohibits a reduction in wages. Salaries will be the same." 

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