VIDEO. “Are you Jewish ?”: a Parisian tourist victim of a violent anti-Semitic attack on the tramway in Montpellier

VIDEO. "Are you Jewish ?": a Parisian tourist victim of a violent anti-Semitic attack on the tramway in Montpellier

L’agression est survenue dans une rame de la ligne 4. Midi Libre – Illustration MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

An anti-Semitic attack took place on Tuesday, August 6, around 2:15 p.m., on a tram on line 4 heading towards Près d'Arènes. The perpetrator, who hit a tourist, fled. He is being actively sought.

While he was sitting quietly with his partner on a tram on line 4 heading towards Près d'Arènes, a 67-year-old Parisian was violently attacked on Tuesday, August 6, around 2:15 p.m.

At first, he heard an individual repeating to everyone in the carriage: “Are you Jewish?” Surprised, he did not get involved. Then the person concerned sat down opposite him and shouted at him, as can be seen in a video posted on social media.

In response, his attacker punched him before threatening him: “Put your hands away or I'll fuck your mother”. Then he made him fall to the ground and hit him several times. And this, in the presence of several passengers who were extremely shocked by this anti-Semitic attack.

Strong reactions

An individual who was accompanying the accused then intervened, inviting him to get off at the next station. This is what the person concerned did, while leaving the train shouting: “Shitty Jew”. To which the victim replied: “Where did you see that I was Jewish, asshole”?”.

An isolated act, certainly, on the fringes of the terrible Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which led to strong reactions from Mayor Michaël Delafosse and Prefect François-Xavier Lauch.

"Strongest condemnation of this anti-Semitic aggression, all means are made available (video surveillance, testimonies, etc.) to arrest the perpetrator of these acts that cannot go unpunished. Those who propagate a climate conducive to anti-Semitism bear a heavy responsibility", posted on the social network X the first.

"I would like to express my indignation at the knowledge of these facts", indicated the second. And to ensure that “the national police services were fully mobilized to find the perpetrator of this serious act”.

Call for witnesses launched by the CRIF

Through its regional president, Perla Danan, the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) is appealing for witnesses to anyone who witnessed this attack and can provide details. They are invited to contact the police as soon as possible to facilitate the investigation. .

“Violently arrested and questioned about his Jewishness, the tourist was thrown to the ground and beaten by another tram passenger. The victim did not have any distinctive signs identifying him as Jewish and there is no evidence to suggest that he is. His attacker attacked him arbitrarily before fleeing", Perla Danan is keen to point out.

And to point out that "the violently anti-Zionist remarks of public figures and the regular demonstrations obsessively advocating hatred of Israel are likely to inflame ill-informed minds and encourage acts against the Jewish population of France.

Before concluding: The Crif Languedoc-Roussillon calls on everyone to take responsibility to stand up against anti-Semitism”.

It should be noted that the victim filed a complaint against an unknown person. An investigation is underway to try to identify the perpetrator of this gratuitous attack. The investigations have been entrusted to the police officers of the local judicial police service who are working to exploit video surveillance images and collect testimonies.

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