VIDEO. Legislative elections 2024: the dual nationality of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem poses “a problem of dual loyalty”, the controversial exit of an RN deputy

VIDEO. Legislative elections 2024: the dual nationality of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem poses “a problem of dual loyalty”, the controversial exit of an RN deputy

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. MAXPPP – Pierre Teyssot

Le député sortant RN Roger Chudeau a estimé jeudi 27 juin sur BFMTV qu'un membre du gouvernement ne pouvait pas être binational car cela posait un "problème de double loyauté", taking the example of the former Minister of Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem whose appointment was "a mistake&quot ;.

Asked about the jobs that the National Rally would prohibit to citizens holding dual nationality in the event of accession to power, Mr. Chudeau mentioned ministerial jobs, citing a "specific example" : "Najat Vallaud Belkacem, Franco-Moroccan, what did she do ? She destroyed the public middle school and above all she wanted to institute Arabic lessons in CP < /em>, he said.

"She herself said that she was a sort of gateway, a bridge, between Morocco and France. She claimed it as a quality", he added, evoking more generally "a problem of dual loyalty at a given moment" quot;.

The appointment of Ms. Vallaud-Belkacem to Education (2014-2017), "I think it was a mistake, and not a good thing for the Republic", insisted Mr. Chudeau, for whom "ministerial positions must be held by Franco- French, full stop".

A controversial statement

The RN, given favorite in Sunday's legislative elections, announced at the beginning of the week its wish to prevent" people with dual nationality to occupy "extremely sensitive jobs" of which the list will be defined "< em>by decree.

The boss of the RN Jordan Bardella took the example of a boss of a nuclear power plant and the deputy Sébastien Chenu mentioned sectors &quot ;particularly linked to security and defense.

"What applies to a senior civil servant must obviously apply to a minister, it's quite logical& ;quot;,said Mr. Chudeau. The deputy then made it known on /em>

This outing provoked several indignant reactions, including that of the PS deputy Boris Vallaud, husband of Mrs. Vallaud-Belkacem, who mentioned a "gross lie. Rude liar". "She is the best in the Republic and you are the shame of it", he continued.

Ms. Vallaud-Belkacem, for her part, challenged Emmanuel Macron on the same platform: "Do you mind this ? Otherwise, you know what&#39 ;all you have to do is commit, each time you come third, to withdraw in favor of the candidate who respects the values ​​of the Republic."

As for the boss of environmentalist deputies Cyrielle Chatelain, she singled out "all the exclusionary and racist logic of the RN" which "differentiates the French from each other based on their origin, their place of birth".

The outgoing president of the Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet for her part estimated that "the true face of the RN is still there: uninhibited racism , a sorting between the French.

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