VIDEO. The impressive images of the new volcanic eruption underway on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland

VIDEO. The impressive images of the new volcanic eruption underway on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland

Eruption volcanique en Islande le 8 février 2024. MAXPPP – IMAGO

For the fourth time since December 2023, the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland was faced with a major volcanic eruption.

This is the fourth time that Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula has experienced a major volcanic eruption. The police declared a state of emergency this Saturday, March 16, 2024 in the evening after a gush of lava from a new volcanic fault, announced the Icelandic Meteorological Institute (IMO). ) in a press release consulted by the AFP cited by Ouest France.

According to the first evaluations made from these images and from aerial photographers, This is the "most important", in terms of magma discharge, of the series that the region has been experiencing for four months. The IMO emphasizes that the estimate is based on the first hour of '"eruptive activity".

A few meters from the city

Live video feeds showed, this Sunday, March 17, 2024, incandescent lava and plumes of smoke near the location of the previous region, on February 8, 2024. Icelandic Civil Protection has announced the dispatch of a helicopter to precisely locate the new crack.