Want to learn, improve or exchange: the Mendois Photo Club is resuming its activities

Want to learn, improve or exchange: the Mendois Photo Club is resuming its activities

Pronghorns, Yellowstone, de Danièle Pierrat. DR – Danièle Pierrat

Rendez-vous mardi 17 septembre à 20 h 30 pour la première séance.

Tuesday, September 17, at 8:30 p.m., the Mende Photo Club resumes its activities in its premises, at the Maison Colucci 14, avenue Foch, in Mende.

Sessions for beginners and newcomers are planned. Other workshops such as studio photography, digital processing and photo criticism allow everyone to improve their skills. Everyone can bring their files, in order to find improvements with one of the digital processing facilitators.

Affiliated with the Photographic Federation of France

In the programming, the third Tuesday of the month is reserved for the monthly meeting. All members meet, they present the upcoming sessions as well as the cultural projects, photo projections as well as a selection of high-level photos from the Photographic Federation of France (FPF). The club is indeed affiliated with the FPF for those who wish to participate in the various competitions it organizes.

If you are interested in photography, four sessions are offered to discover the club.

For any information: www.photoclub-mendois or contact Jean-François Salles, at 06 08 01 67 11.

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