War in Gaza: why many countries are suspending their aid to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees

War in Gaza: why many countries are suspending their aid to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees

Unrwa is currently helping two million people in the Gaza Strip. MAXPPP – HAITHAM IMAD

Israel accuses Unrwa employees of having taken part in Hamas attacks. Accusations "of exceptional seriousness" for France. What is this agency for ? Why this sudden turmoil when 2 million Palestinian refugees need its help ? Explanations… 

Around ten countries, including the United States, Germany and France, have announced since Sunday that they are suspending their aid to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. . The latter, according to the Israeli government, counts among its employees people who played a role in the attack perpetrated by Hamas on October 7.

"France has not planned a new payment for the first half of 2024 and will decide when the time comes what action to take, in conjunction with the Nations United States and the main donors, of which Paris is a part (60 M€ paid in 2023), says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, citing accusations of a < em>"exceptional gravity".

Created in 1949

Unrwa (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) is intended to help Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip, but also in the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It was created in December 1949 by the General Assembly of the UN, after the first Arab-Israeli conflict, which broke out the day after the creation of Israel in 1948. The aim was to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to Palestinian refugees, ’awaiting a just and lasting solution to their situation". According to the agency, refugee status is granted to descendants of the 700,000 Palestinians expelled or who fled in 1948. Some 5.9 million Palestinians can now benefit from its services.

30,000 employees, 13,000 in the Gaza Strip

L’Unrwa employs 30,000 people, including 13,000 in the Gaza Strip, spread over more than 300 locations. According to Israel, some of them took part in Hamas raids on October 7. There are twelve of them targeted by an investigation, according to Washington. "Any employee who has been involved in acts of terrorism will have to answer, including through legal proceedings", for his part indicated the head of the agency, Philippe Lazzarini.

He then called on the international community to review its positions. "It is shocking to see the suspension of funds, in response to allegations against a small group of employees", taking into account the measures already taken and the role of the agency, on which "2 million people depend for their simple survival". On Friday, the International Court of Justice called on Israel to allow urgent humanitarian aid "in the face of the unfavorable living conditions facing Palestinians " since the start of the war last fall in the Gaza Strip.

In the sights of Israel

This is not the first time that Unwra has been at the center of a global debate. In 2018, Donald Trump's United States ended its annual financial aid of $300 million, a decision then welcomed by Israel. The Hebrew State regularly accuses the agency of "perpetuating the conflict" Israeli-Palestinian, "by maintaining the idea that many Palestinians are refugees with the right to return to the land". Joe Biden had restored the payments in 2021… before suspending them again at the end of last week.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, however, urged, on Sunday, countries that have suspended their funding to UNRWA to "at least guarantee& ;quot; the continuation of its operations.

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