“We are not going to recruit a player if we cannot”: Bernard Laporte discusses the future of the MHR and looks back on the current dynamic

“We are not going to recruit a player if we cannot”: Bernard Laporte discusses the future of the MHR and looks back on the current dynamic

MHR rugby director Bernard Laporte. Midi Libre – SYLVIE CAMBON

The MHR has regained color over the last three months. The opportunity to look back on the dynamics of the club with its rugby director Bernard Laporte, but also to discuss the future.

Four wins in the last block of four matches. The MHR is better isn't it ?

When you win, it's always positive. But what we must say is that nothing is done. Neither at the top nor at the bottom. There is a dynamic, yes. Except that when you look at the rankings, everyone is hanging on. It's very balanced.

Can you please look up the rankings?

The players don't forbid themselves anything. Nobody forbids anything. But everyone keeps a close eye down. We must be lucid, take into account the reality of the facts. 

Three and a half months after your arrival, do you feel a different energy ?

It's hard to say because I didn't know about energy before. When we arrived, we felt like a group in difficulty. Lack of relationships, leadership… Everything had crumbled. No one dared to take the lead. As they say, the beast was sick. But afterwards, it’s to the players’ credit for having raised their heads. After all, the truth only comes from the ground. 

Some have taken responsibility. I had some extraordinary discoveries. I have already spoken about Marco Tauleigne but I can also cite Janse Van Rensburg. He is a boy with enormous professionalism, pleasant to train. They're not the only ones, but these two left an impression on me.

I think the staff also did a very good job. It wasn't easy to build one that shared the same ideas, each with their own ego. We had to define a guideline and have everyone accept it. What was done. 

Also read: Bernard Laporte to the readers of Midi Libre: "I'm here to help the MHR club"

"Our training center must become competitive again"

This knowledge of the players is essential when you are director of rugby. Especially in a period when the transfer window is in full swing and the study of contracts is a priority.

It's the same everywhere. There are players under contract, at the end of their contract…  I am discovering a group. And I also see our weaknesses. From the start, I said that this team was completely unbalanced. It needs to be rebalanced. I focus on this every day. I have two more video meetings with two players and two agents this afternoon (this Monday, March 11). We must manage the present and the future. And I would even say the distant future.

That is ?

Our training center must become competitive again. Since 2014, no youth titles. Today, it doesn't make you dream of coming to the Montpellier training center. This is not normal.

We need to restart all of this. I share the opinion of Joan Caudullo(manager of the training center since 2020) on this subject and who, by the way, is a serious, competent guy. He defined 2 or 3 reorganization proposals for me so that we become attractive again, that we get out of young people. With the rules imposed by the (national rugby) League which require having 33 professional players in its squad, having successful young people from the training center is a godsend. It's even a necessity.

To be honest, I didn't have much time to take care of that, because I had a lot of work going on. senior team. But we talk about it with Joan and it’s obvious that we need to structure all of this.

You said in these columns that you wanted to bring in stars. Training is therefore also a priority.

Well of course. It's a whole. There is the present, the short and long term future. A club that is off to a good start is a club that has a very large training center. And so much the better! 

More than ever with the Jiff rule (players from French training) to be respected to avoid sanctions…

And those are good rules. I am for French training. When I was president of the Federation (2016-2023), I required having the passport to play with the XV of France. So you can't blame me for not supporting French training. Today, we need to work on this in depth in Montpellier.

"For some players, it's done"

When you coached Toulon eight and a half years ago, the rules were not as strict. The management of a club is as important an issue as the athlete…

I often say: we train the same everywhere. In La Rochelle, Toulouse, Toulon or Montpellier… I am convinced of it. But actually, managing performance with a defined payroll (10.7 million euros), a number of imposed contracts (33), an imposed number of Jiffs (16 on average per match), that requires management precise which did not exist at the time.

It was announced in the press that several Jiffs from the club, such as Alexandre Bécognée or Thomas Darmon, would be likely to leave.

I never said that I didn't want to keep Bécognée and Darmon. Never. Afterwards, everyone goes about their life. I understand that some players who play less have questions. That’s the life of a top athlete. 

You are working on recruitment next year. Names are circulating like Billy Vunipola, Sevu Reece… Can you confirm them for us ?

I don't prefer to spread things out. There are contacts, that’s obvious. For some, it's done, for others, not yet. I'm waiting to wrap up to give the names. 

Then we have a budget to keep. We work hand in hand with Jessica (Casanova, general director of the MHR) and Joris (Loupien), the lawyer. It’s joint work. We know how to count, we're not going to recruit a player if we can't (smile).

Also read: Bernard Laporte and the future of the MHR: "With stars, we will fill the stadium", "a foreign coach, but for what purpose ?"

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