“We demand the elimination of the Mont Lozère feeding pack”: Young Farmers and the FDSEA protest before the Large Predators Committee

"We demand the elimination of the Mont Lozère feeding pack": Young Farmers and the FDSEA protest before the Large Predators Committee

Les syndicats agricoles souhaitent entre autres qu’une brigade loup intervienne dans le Parc national des Cévennes. Midi Libre – ARCHIVE EVA TISSOT

Quatre revendications anti-loups seront présentées, ce mercredi 31 juillet 2024, lors du prochain comité Grands Prédateurs.

After numerous alerts from sheep and cattle farmers in Lozère concerning numerous wolf attacks on their herds, Hervé Boudon, farmer and president of the Young Farmers, accompanied by Jean-François Maurin, president of the Departmental Federation of Farmers' Unions (FDSEA), broke their silence on Monday, July 29, 2024, two days before the next Large Predators committee.

“We had decided to be discreet in order to work with the farmers who have suffered attacks in recent days, explains Hervé Boudon. All farmers in the sector are afraid when they wake up to see their animals attacked." The union organizations have therefore decided to put forward four anti-wolf demands.

"Three or even four wolf packs in Lozère"

"Predation is here ! Two years ago, there was a wolf pack, underlines the president of the JA 48. Now, there are three or even four. Firstly, we want a wolf brigade to intervene in the Cévennes National Park, where the feeding pack is located", insists Hervé Boudon.

"We are then asking for administrative simplification concerning the right to simple defensive shooting against wolves, particularly for cattle breeders, continues the one who is precisely installed in beef cattle in Bessons. Wolf attacks on cattle herds exist. However, none of them have been recognized as such. In addition, we are demanding the elimination of the wolf pack that feeds on Mont Lozère, which is responsible for the spread of these animals to all four corners of the territory."

Threats of new demonstrations

Romain Nurit, member of the JA 48 office, announces the latest request: "We are demanding the expansion of the number of wolf lieutenants in Lozère."

These four requests will therefore be presented this Wednesday, July 31. The breeders “are waiting for quick answers. Our last resort will be to demonstrate, and we know how to do it…", warns Hervé Boudon.

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