“We offer an alternative for a real, authentic right,” assures Marion Maréchal before her trip to Occitanie

“We offer an alternative for a real, authentic right,” assures Marion Maréchal before her trip to Occitanie

Marion Maréchal, tête de liste de Reconquête !, aux européennes. MAXPPP – Jean-Baptiste BORNIER

The head of the list of Reconquête !, Éric Zemmour's party, will participate in a public meeting on Friday in Saint-Jean-de-Vedas, and will be present at the Sud Traditions show in Saint-Gilles on Saturday.

In your opinion, what are the major issues of these European elections ?

The main question is that of immigration and the Islamization of the continent, a civilizational issue, and a continental challenge. We will not deal with this existential subject only at the national level.

This is the whole point of our candidacy: do you want Europe to remain a continent of European culture and Christian tradition? We want defend tomorrow in the European Parliament, with our allies, a European naval blockade, a reform of Schengen so that free movement is reserved for Europeans, the defense of agreements with the countries of departure to limit the number of landings, a reform of the right to asylum…

Sites completely forgotten by the current majority.

For you, everything comes back to the migration question, whatever the subject discussed ?

This is the priority battle because it affects everything. In terms of identity, since the Islamization of the country has direct consequences on lifestyles. And if Islam becomes the majority in our country tomorrow, French identity will be over. I have two little girls, I don’t want them to live in such a country.

But the question of immigration has security and economic consequences too, notably on the weight of social spending in our country and welfare, on the impoverishment of the country .

Are you going to mobilize on other relevant themes at the European level ?

We are engaged on other major European themes, including the question of food sovereignty, and, therefore, agricultural policy.

There is obviously the ecological question, opposing this famous green pact which is really an ecology of punishment, of penance. Which is preparing for us a tsunami of standards, rules, taxes, which result in the decline, therefore the drop in European production, and the increase in imports.

Without forgetting the subject of the continent's energy and digital sovereignty. And I go to the southern traditions room, because I want to send a message, to defend the traditions that are criticized or threatened, hunting, fishing, bullfighting traditions. Subjects that environmentalists threaten in France, and in the European Parliament.

Are you not afraid, by focusing your speech overwhelmingly on immigration, of being inaudible on these subjects?< /p>

When you look at the priority interests of the French, immigration and security issues are always among their top three areas of concern. And it is a European subject since it will be settled above all at the continental level. The EU has skills and tools on these themes, it is not being off topic to want to talk about the question of migration and identity in this campaign.

With a new right-wing majority in Parliament, we propose a complete paradigm shift: the protection and enhancement of our history and our identity, and its protection through mastery of ;immigration.

Why did you send this message to Jordan Bardella saying "Don't be the wrong enemy" ?

Reconquest! belongs to the ECR group in the European Parliament. This is the group that can help build a real right-wing majority, according to all European polls. It's really going to be the center of gravity of the right tomorrow in Parliament.
The National Rally is in another group, ID, a more isolated group. While the Les Républicains group is squarely in the majority of Ursula von der Leyen, they sit with the socialists and the macronists.

What I'm trying to explain to Jordan Bardella, who, in recent days, has been saying erroneous things about Reconquête!, is that if we want tomorrow change the majority in Parliament, no group will be able to do it alone. Despite their differences, these groups will need to know how to work together, to build project majorities on things that unite them.

Are you in line with Éric Zemmour on these approaches ? We are talking about dissensions between you…

The objective of Éric Zemmour, like myself, remains to attract as many European deputies as possible on June 9. We want to be the surprise of this election.

Nothing is decided yet and many right-wing voters, including those from the Republicans, once they have joined the programs, may be seduced by the alternative ;a real, authentic right that we offer. To build a new majority and remove Ursula von der Leyen.

Éric Zemmour has always defended the union of the rights, he has not changed his mind. But we have, it’s also true, differences with the RN which mean that we are not in the same party. We do not have the same economic vision at all, for example…hellip; To put it simply, the RN has a more statist, more socialist, more fiscal vision than us.

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