“We’re not ghost hunters, we’re trying to demystify”: it’s possible to slip into the shoes of a paranormal investigator!

“We’re not ghost hunters, we’re trying to demystify”: it’s possible to slip into the shoes of a paranormal investigator!

Les enquêtes de l’association EPG se déroulent dans des lieux plus ou moins abandonnés. MIDI LIBRE – NICOLAS ZARROUK

L’association EPG organise, fin septembre, une initiation aux enquêtes paranormales au cœur des Cévennes gardoises. Présentation d’un week-end inédit…

It will be a “a project that we are setting up”, explains Yanis Quittard, member of Enquête paranormale du Gard (EPG). On September 28 and 29, the association is organizing an “immersive” weekend during which it will be possible to slip into the shoes of an investigator. The idea will be to go to the heart of the Cévennes gardoises, on the estate of the Château du Folhaquier, near Saint-André-de-Valborgne. “A castle divided into several guest houses, well renovated with the ambition of preserving the heritage. There is always something to do there…", says Stephan Melia, another investigator. EPG and the owners actually got in touch in Saint-Beauzély, at a trade fair dedicated to the paranormal.

The organizers' method and philosophy

This event organized at the end of the month will be divided into several parts. First, the initiation will open with theoretical courses to present the association, its method and philosophy (also read opposite), as well as the work of a paranormal investigator. “We are not ghost hunters; we are trying to demystify”, Stephan Melia says right off the bat. “We are not about madness”; we are not “Ghostbusters”. We are trying to find out if it exists.”

The cutting-edge equipment of Gard investigators

Created about ten years ago, the EPG association, based in Alès, has set itself the principle of "demystifying". "We don't see ghosts everywhere!", declares Stephan Melia. "We eliminate all natural causes, which ultimately leave room for less than 1% of paranormal causes. But when something remains, it is disturbing…" To conduct their research, these investigators have the latest equipment: digital recorders, digital cameras, so-called "nightshot" cameras for filming in the dark, laser grids, "spirit boxes" to perceive "white noise", comparable, for example, to a rustling of fabrics, through which entities could manifest themselves, etc. True enthusiasts, EPG members visit more or less abandoned sites. “People contact us because they sense that something is there, feel observed, believe they see apparitions”, says Stephan Melia. “Or simply out of curiosity.”

Of course, the investigation itself, conducted by the participants, will take place in a second phase, during the night. “Not because there are more ghosts!”, the EPG investigator then says. “It's to eliminate noise pollution as much as possible…” And the mission will last until 4 o'clock, or even 5 o'clock in the morning.

We will have to debrief on Sunday morning

The next day, the task will be far from over. Because everything will then have to be analyzed. "There will be a debriefing", explains Stephan Melia. “Everything we do, we examine.” For example, investigators must listen to all the audio tapes that have been played during the night. In short, it is truly an “instruction”. This Gardois also takes the opportunity to say that “what you see on television is not that". He adds that it takes a month, normally, to watch and listen to everything. For four people. Knowing, however, that EPG investigators work in their free time, outside of their professional lives and family obligations.

Free financial participation

On September 28 and 29, the association will guide three people on the path of the quest for paranormal phenomena. "We have chosen to favor small groups", specifies Yanis Quittard. With free financial participation. “It's up to those who come”, says Stéphan Melia. “What we collect will be used to continue the rehabilitation of the place.” His colleague concludes: “Registrations are open until the middle of the week before the weekend.”

Information and registration on the Facebook page “EPG Enquêteur Paranormal du Gard” and at 06 75 17 18 91. I subscribe to read more

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