“We're not going to wait for you to rape a little girl”: Porn propositions to teenage girls, a Gardois is trapped and judged

"We're not going to wait for you to rape a little girl": Porn propositions to teenage girls, a Gardois is trapped and judged

The trial was held at the court in the capital of the Cévennes, in the Gard. MIDI LIBRE – CHARLES LEDUC

A resident of Sauve, in the Gard, appeared, Thursday August 22, before the Alès criminal court, after being caught red-handed by an association of online pedophile trackers, the Truly collective.

Embarrassed and not very talkative, this 43-year-old individual is not showing off, Thursday, August 22, at the bar of the Alès criminal court. He, who is unemployed and has no social life, is appearing because he sent, on the internet, between January and June 2023, messages of a pornographic nature to teenage girls, surrounded by sexual propositions. A photo of his erect penis was even posted.

The trap closed on the forty-year-old

The alert had been given by pedophile trackers: the Truly collective, based in Noumea. “An avatar, Manon aged 14, had been created, and there was a hookup with a man. And they traced it back to you”, explains Marie-Lucie Godard, the president of the hearing. “They were not inciting ; it is you who are coming to the charge on sexual natures." Furthermore, it appears that, later, this Gardois from Sauve also made contact, on the web, with a 12-year-old Venezuelan girl "who was not an avatar". The defendant, who had difficulty admitting the facts after his arrest, came up empty-handed. He says he “didn't think”, he “doesn't know”. The president gets annoyed: “We're not going to wait for you to rape a little girl. How did you get there ?" He replies that he "has unblocked in (his) head", that he is "con" and adds that’"in addition, (he is) uncle". "That doesn't reassure us !", the judge says.

However, since his arrest, the defendant has been receiving psychiatric care and is strictly complying with his judicial supervision.

The prosecution sees him as “a danger”

The deputy Quentin Larroque is marked by the “positioning” of the forty-year-old who, he says, “has a reflection on the passage to the act at level 0". The prosecution sees him as a “danger” and is requesting a year in prison, half of which is suspended, plus socio-judicial monitoring for five years.

Me Mendez: “The judicial review was beneficial”

In defense, Me Florence Mendez explains that her client is “depressed”, that “it is not that he denies because he admitted, but he is not able to elaborate. I think he does not know why he did that ; I think he wants to know…" And to insist that "the judicial review was beneficial, because he got himself back on track. If we help him and if he gets some follow-up, it could help him reintegrate."

A registration in Fijais, the sex offenders file

The court finally follows the prosecution's indictment. In addition to the socio-judicial monitoring, his sentence also includes an injunction for treatment, registration in Fijais, the sex offenders file, and a ban on any activity with minors.

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