What are the three morning routines to adopt this summer for our well-being ?

What are the three morning routines to adopt this summer for our well-being ?

Certaines routines matinales permettent de se sentir mieux au quotidien, et de préserver à long terme sa santé mentale. ArtistGNDphotography/Getty Images

What could be better than vacation to establish a new morning routine? Conducive to change, summer offers the opportunity to settle down, reflect, and refocus on oneself to establish new reflexes likely to improve your daily life the rest of the year. Here are three new morning rituals to adopt this summer to feel better at the start of the school year.

Do you have a (real) morning routine ? It’s not just about getting up, quickly gulping down a coffee, and getting dolled up, but to establish a real ritual intended to spend a day without stress – or almost. We have seen it for several months, these complete routines which often require starting the day earlier have more and more followers around the world. Which praise its merits in terms of energy, productivity, and of course well-being.

While it is not easy to adopt such a routine during the middle of the school year, due to professional constraints and accumulated fatigue, summer can be the ideal time to implement it. place gradually. Here are three popular on social networks, or by scientists, which will allow you to recharge your batteries and preserve your mental health in the long term.

The 'slow morning', very gently

No more waking up with fanfare and speed, make way for more gentleness and slowness, as we would do on vacation. This is the objective of 'slow morning', a morning routine that has been unanimously popular on social networks since last spring. The idea is simple: it’s about taking a moment to relax and refocus on yourself instead of running around as soon as you get out of bed. A morning routine that would help reduce stress levels and fully enjoy the pleasures of daily life, far from the hectic pace of the day ahead.

Conceptualized by the American coach and speaker Hal Elrod in the book "Miracle Morning", this method is inspired by the philosophy of 'slow living' known for its mental health benefits. Unlike other rituals of this type, there are no specific rules, other than listening to one's own needs. This can take the form of a meditation session, stretching, listening to relaxing music, a long, soothing shower, or the simple act of temporarily disconnecting from social media.

Routine '5-9', rigor and discipline

The opposite of the slow morning, the 5-9 morning routine would nevertheless guarantee the same benefits in terms of well-being. Born on social networks, this daily ritual imposes iron discipline in terms of nutrition, sleep, and physical activity, and is based on the idea that men and women are more productive The morning. True or false, it doesn't matter in the eyes of those who adopted it and now continue to praise its merits. And they seem numerous if we consider that dedicated hashtags have generated tens of millions of views on social networks.

Concretely, it involves getting up at 5 a.m. to indulge in a thousand and one activities – beneficial for physical and mental health if possible – before going to work. This includes swapping your hastily eaten breakfast for a champion's meal based on pressed juice, smoothies, fresh fruit, and other competition foods, then doing a sports session and/or meditation, taking a morning walk, reading a book, and taking the time to prepare before leaving home. A morning routine that would allow you to have more peaceful and less stressful evenings, without compromising your lifestyle.

Contrary to popular belief, some people are naturally more active later in the day. This morning ritual is therefore not necessarily suitable for everyone, especially since it is essential to satisfy everyone's sleep needs. Testing this routine in the middle of summer will allow you to know if it is really appropriate to adopt it – or not – at the start of the school year.

What does science say?

What if it was science that decided?? A study financed by Special K, published in 2022, revealed a mathematical formula that would definitely make it possible to get up on the right foot, and to get out of bed on the right foot. be in a good mood throughout the day. It was more specifically Anne-Marie Imafidon, renowned mathematician, who analyzed the responses to a survey of 2,000 Britons in order to create a complex formula intended to adopt a morning routine considered to be ideal.

According to this work, it would involve waking up at 6:44 a.m. and getting out of bed at 7:12 a.m. maximum, then do 21 minutes of physical exercise, take a 10-minute shower, and finally devote 18 minutes to breakfast. But who says formula, says possibility of adapting this routine to the needs of each person.

To find out if your current routine is beneficial for your well-being, you must multiply the time spent eating breakfast by two then add it to the time spent doing exercise ;exercise then that spent showering. Keep this first result in mind. You must then subtract the number of hours spent sleeping from 8, then add 1, and multiply this figure by that resulting from the difference between the time you got up and 7 a.m. 12 ( to which you still add 1). You then take the first result and divide it by the second, and – final step – add the number of minutes spent on another activity divided by two. If the number obtained is greater than 37, your routine is considered effective, otherwise it will probably need to be improved.

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