What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

Eric Pelliquier fait une démonstration de l’E-foil. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

The E-foil, an electric surfboard accessible to all, is the latest addition to the board sports family. For you, we have tested this activity that can be practiced in La Grande-Motte since June 2024. Thrills guaranteed.

For two months, off the coast of La Grande-Motte, new types of craft have been crisscrossing the sea. These are E-foils, surfboards equipped with a fin and an electric motor. Their advantage over other board sports is that they don't need waves or wind.

Designed in the late 2010s, E-foil has been becoming more popular in the United States for several years. But the practice “is not yet known to the general public in France", explains Eric Pelliquier. He welcomes us to his stand on the Esplanade Jean Baumel. "It's a fun sport that's accessible to everyone, from 11 to 70 years old." I try out the half-hour session, for 70 euros. It promises to be full of thrills.

A remote control and a circuit breaker

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

The instructor shows the relatively simple operation of the machine. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

While Marianne, his daughter, hands me a diving suit, a life jacket and a helmet, Eric explains the basics to me. “You have a remote control with a trigger, you just have to press it and the foil picks up speed.” A magnetic circuit breaker system, connected to the wrist, is placed at the front of the board. “In the event of a fall, the magnet detaches and the motor cuts out, preventing any accident”, explains this former winemaker, who recently turned to board sports.

“You just have to get away from the port”

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

The platform at the front of the boat can accommodate two E-foils. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

After the safety briefing, it's time to head out to sea. Head for the boat, which has a platform at the front that can hold two boards. The journey to the launching point is quite short, “you just have to get away”from the port.”

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

Before you can stand up, you have to start on your stomach. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

We jump into the water and I get used to the board. For the first few minutes, I take control of the device while lying flat on my stomach while Eric demonstrates how to fly over it. Good news, the sea is calm. “The more waves there are, the more you end up in the water, especially when you're starting out.”

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

Flying away requires both confidence and momentum. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

After a quarter of an hour of fruitless attempts, I accelerate, stand up and finally take off. But only for a few moments: the machine nose-dived and crashed. “You have to keep constant pressure on the trigger”, the instructor explains to me, visibly amused by my lack of skill.

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

Falls are not painful, but they are numerous. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Determined, I get back on the board and manage to fly for a few dozen seconds. The feeling is exhilarating, but the exercise is particularly exhausting. “Plus, the wind is picking up. The waves are going to get stronger.” By mutual agreement we decide, after thirty minutes of E-foil, to return to dry land.

Memories and aches

What is E-foil, this electric water sport ? In La Grande-Motte, we tested it for you

Eric Pelliquier sails on the Mediterranean with a disconcerting ease. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

I leave La Grande-Motte with great memories and a few aches and pains. The magnificent view of the shore is worth the detour. As long as you're not afraid of falling into the sea, again and again. Sunday sportsmen, don't worry: if I can stand on this machine, you can too. “Those who come back to see us say they feel more comfortable”from the second session”, Eric reassures.

Monday to Sunday, by reservation by email (e.foil.lgm@gmail.com) or by phone (06 78 71 51 02).

Prices : from 70 € 30 minutes at 500 euros for 5 hours.

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