Why did this college suddenly decide to remove all the mirrors from its toilets ?

Why did this college suddenly decide to remove all the mirrors from its toilets ?

Les passages aux toilettes des élèves se sont multipliés par 3. Pixabay – jarmoluk

A college in the state of South Carolina in the United States has decided to remove all the mirrors from its toilets. The reason ? Students spend hours there making TikTok videos.

Southern Alamance Middle School, a middle school in South Carolina, decided to remove all the mirrors in its restrooms to prevent students from spending too much time there.

"Mirrors played a central role in the staging of the videos"

Initially, students used the toilets three to four times a day on average, but this quickly increased to 8 to 9 times a day. Some even went so far as to skip classes to be able to film themselves, reports HuffPost.

"Students went to the bathroom for long periods of time and made TikTok videos" , Les Atkins, public relations manager for the property, told WFMY. "The mirrors played a central role in the staging of the students' videos", he explained to the television channel local,

Since the removal of the ice cream, middle school students "go to the toilet less often, they stay there less long, they are more responsible" the manager pointed out.

"Limit distractions" to "focus on learning"

Smart Pass, a digital pass system, has also been implemented. It therefore requires each student to register when entering and leaving their classroom to know how much time they spend outside of class.

The goal is to "limit distractions so that students can focus on learning", justified the establishment in a letter sent to parents.

For several months, TikTok has been in the sights of American authorities, with some accusing the application of spying on behalf of Beijing.

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