Why millions of bank accounts will be blocked and deleted in 2024 in France ?

Why millions of bank accounts will be blocked and deleted in 2024 in France ?

Des comptes qui vont être ou qui ont déjà été supprimés. Illustration MAXPPP – Patrick Lefevre

Pour certains, les démarches ont déjà été effectuées. La fermeture de trois banques obligent leurs clients à transférer leur argent et leurs données bancaires ailleurs.

The year 2024 marks the end of three banking establishments in France. The customers of these banks number in the millions of people. Explanations.

Closure of three banks

Since January 1, 2024, HBSC France no longer exists. The bank was bought by My Money Group. The 800,000 accounts have therefore been deleted and the customers should be transferred to the Crédit commercial de France entity, CCF. 

During the year 2024, another bank will disappear. This is online banking Orange Bank. The accounts of 800,000 customers will be deleted.

Negotiations with BNP Paribas are underway so that Orange Bank customers can have a new account with Hello Bank. 

It will be the same for Ma French Bank, the online bank of La Banque Postale which will close its doors from now on. here is the end of the year 2024. This concerns 700,000 customers, as explained by the Journal du Net.


The consequences are numerous for the customers of these three banks. Accounts and bank details deleted, RIB to be changed, IBAN eliminated… and transfers to be made.

Customers were able to have somewhat easier transfers, like HSBC France whose procedures could be taken care of by the CCF. Customers of Ma French Bank will be offered an account at La Banque Postale and those of Orange Bank with Hello Bank.

Next, it is possible for customers to choose another bank. But the procedures are not always very simple. Even if normally the new bank generally undertakes to offer its new customers to take care of this.

For those who are worried, the money will be moved to other accounts, there will be no loss during transfers.

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