Why schools in Occitania are going to return the two-euro collector coins from the Paris 2024 Olympics distributed to students ?

Why schools in Occitania are going to return the two-euro collector coins from the Paris 2024 Olympics distributed to students ?

As part of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, a two-euro coin was offered to each French schoolchild. ILLUSTRATION MAXPPP – Lionel VADAM

As part of the Paris Olympics, some four million students from CP to CM2 will receive an educational kit by June, including a booklet and a two-euro commemorative coin. But in Tarn, many schools plan to bring back this "gift" at the departmental directorate of education. Explanations.

The announcement caused a stir last February: a two-euro commemorative coin, accompanied by an educational booklet on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, must be given to each student in primary school from CP to CM2. That is to say around four million children affected across France.

While the sending of the kits began at the end of April, and continues until at least June, all schools in Tarn which have already received them are called upon to return these coins.

According to the FSU, cited by our colleagues from France Bleu, teachers are "not authorized to distribute money""The government places teams in positions that raise serious legal questions (authorization and distribution arrangements, liability in the event of theft…)" .

A collective restitution organized this Wednesday, April 24

The union, which questions the responsibility of teachers and educational establishments in the event of potential burglaries of schools or racketeering between students, called on all schools in the department to submit their two euro coin this Wednesday, April 24, in front of the premises of the National Education Inspectorate of Castres and Mazamet.

"Around thirty schools, including all of those in Castres" have announced that& ;rsquo;they would participate in this return to the sender, affirms Bastien Alberty, co-secretary of the FSU SNUipp du Tarn to our colleagues from Actu, specifying however that each school is "free" of his choice to keep or not the package received.

In addition to the lack of communication around the system and the risks in terms of security, the union also deplores the cost of the operation: 16 million euros. A tidy sum while the government announced at the same time the need to achieve "10 billion euros in savings, including 700 million for the ;rsquo;National Education".

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