Why will there be a shortage of nursery and primary school teachers at the start of the next school year in “certain academies” ?

Why will there be a shortage of nursery and primary school teachers at the start of the next school year in “certain academies” ?

La problématique a été reconnue par la ministre de l’Éducation nationale en personne. Unsplash – CDC

Les résultats des épreuves d’admissibilité aux concours de professeurs des écoles sont presque tous connus, mais il manquera des enseignants dans les maternelles et écoles primaires à la rentrée prochaine, a indiqué ce mercredi 8 mai 2024 le SNUipp-FSU, syndicat majoritaire des instituteurs

There will not be enough school teachers in nursery and primary school at the start of the next school year. The results of the eligibility tests are practically all known, with the exception of the academies of Nancy and Mayotte, and the SNUipp-FSU indicated this Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at Franceinfo that there will be a shortage of teachers at the start of the school year.

The Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet recognized this Thursday, May 9, 2024 that there would once again be a deficit of teachers in regular schools at the start of the next school year "in some academies", notably those of Versailles and Créteil.

"Difficulties recruiting teachers"

"We know that we are in difficulty recruiting teachers, in certain academies", a-t- she emphasized on Franceinfo" It is true that in Versailles and Créteil, since the competitions are regionalized, we know that there are recruitment difficulties. In these academies, of course, we will have to recruit contractual staff for the next school year", added the minister.

"We have been facing this difficulty for several years, but we have a long-term response which will be at work from the next school year, we are going to modify the initial training of our teachers" , underlined Ms. Belloubet, recalling the reform announced at the beginning of April by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron.

According to the FSU-SNUipp, the almost final assessment of the eligibility results for the school teacher competition is "very worrying because it portends losses of positions upon admission, particularly in academies regularly in deficit".

The academies of Guyana, Versailles and Créteil particularly affected

According to the first primary union, the ratio of eligible candidates per position is 1.46 on average at the national level but is less than one for Créteil (0.71 candidates per position compared to 0.63 in 2023), Versailles (0. 60 against 0.65 in 2023) and Guyana (0.40, against 0.48 in 2023).

"In these academies which have already been in deficit for several years, the start of the school year is already looking complicated", warns its general secretary Guislaine David, who also observes the "continued decline" of eligible candidates in Paris (1 .35 this year, compared to 1.43 in 2023 and 1.83 in 2022).

Other academies, however, display much more comfortable rates, such as Strasbourg (2.36 candidates per position) or Poitiers (2.55), according to this union.

Nicole Belloubet is counting on the modification of the initial training of teachers to combat this recurring problem: "It’is a very structuring reform, very enthusiastic", she said, recalling that aspiring teachers would take the competition at Bac + 3 and no longer Bac + 5.

"And then in the two years that follow you will continue your training by being compensated or paid, 900 euros the first year 1 800 the second year, and getting a master's degree", she concluded.

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