The questionable methods of the organizer of the puppy fair encourage the City of Millau to cancel the event

The questionable methods of the organizer of the puppy fair encourage the City of Millau to cancel the event

Le salon du chiot, initialement prévu ce week-end du 24 et 25 février à Millau, a finalement été annulé par la Ville ce mercredi 21 février. Midi Libre – E.Q

This weekend of February 24 and 25, the puppy show was to take place in Millau. But the organizer's legal past and the concealment of information from the City led to a cancellation decision falling this Wednesday morning.

"The puppy show is canceled!", announces Nadine Tuffery, animal welfare assistantWhile the event was to be held on February 24 and 25, the elected official denounces the method of the organizer, Francis Duprat, breeder and importer of dogs. ;The City had initially accepted the initiative, thinking that it was a simple presentation of dogs. "But it was with the posters put up in Millau that I was told this Monday that there was sale, including cats! We decided to cancel.

Another element remained hidden from the deputy: the organizer's legal past and his indictment widely relayed by various media in cases of animal abuse. In 2003, Francis Duprat was convicted of illegally importing 40,000 dogs from Eastern Europe. Since then, until 2022, his name has continued to be cited by dog ​​owners feeling wronged. When the elected official from Millau learns of the organizer's past, she chokes. "I felt that' there was something wrong."

The organizer in question, Francis Duprat, 70 years old, is one of the largest dog wholesalers in France. He's used to being at the head of this kind of event. " I do about two per month", he specifies. After Aurillac, on February 17 and 18, it  #39;was normally Millau's turn to host the show, the last session of which was held before the Covid-19 epidemic.

Three puppies died after a show in 2022

But only two years ago, the edition of Marsac-sur-l'Isle, in Dordogne, caused a scandal. ;Several buyers had lost their animals less than a week after the show: three puppies had died and others had been hospitalized. "My parents bought a Jack Russell puppy at the exhibition center on Sunday May 29, 2022 and he died the following Sunday ", Virginie had entrusted herself, to our colleagues from Sud Ouest. Between 1500 and 1600 euros were spent on the purchase of these purebred dogs.

Nadège Tuffery, animal welfare assistant: “the puppy show is canceled!”

Nadège Tuffery is assistant à the Mayor of Millau in charge of animal welfare. She denounces the withholding of information by the organizer of the show and defends its policy on animal welfare.< /p>

Why did you agree to this? the outfit of this puppy show ?

We thought it was about presenting different breeds and their behaviors, in an educational sense. And on Monday, I was called. to tell me that there were posters advertising the sale of puppies and cats. But the sale had never happened ;té mentioned when requesting! We called the organizer to tell him that we were cancelling, Wednesday morning.

&Did you know about his pasté judicial ?

We inquired about the situation. for the previous living room, & Aurillac. He had all the legal permissions, but I felt there was something wrong.

What is the City doing for animal welfare ?

We carry out 80 free sterilizations of cats per year and we are going to put this into practice. we have a small chalet to bring them together and feed them.

The injured owners had called on the organizer, Francis Duprat, to reimburse the sums committed to breeders and veterinarians. "Everything will be settled", he assured our colleagues by presenting the "thesis of an accidental spread of the virus". The virus in question, canine parvovirus, is known for its contagiousness. What remains is that it is caught by the excrement, so often it ;#39;is because of inadequate breeding conditions" we enlighten the SPA of Périgueux.

Convicted of illegally importing animals

The story should have ended on April 4, 2003. That day, Francis Duprat was sentenced to six months in prison and 13 500 euros fine. The Angoulême Criminal Court only found the guilt "only" illegal practice of animal medicine, lack of declaration of its breeding and illegal importation of animals.

Three veterinary accomplices were also convicted. They provided him with vaccination certificates drawn up on false dates in order to legalize the importation of dogs too young to be vaccinated against rabies. Only five years later, the Montespan breeder was once again indicted for similar facts. After thirteen years of legal proceedings, he was finally acquitted in April 2015.

Questioned this Tuesday about his conviction in 2003, Francis Duprat defends himself. "I'I'm 70 years old and I do my job as best as possible". As for the Millavois salon, the&# The organizer denies any irregularity. "There are only French breeders with French dogs and cats who are from the region& ;quot;, he assures, bitterly. "Often, puppy raisers are farmers who want additional income. And to conclude:& nbsp;"it's a shame, it must have been the salon of happiness."

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