“Turning neither too thin nor too thick, that’s what being a potter is”, Eliane Régimbeau shares her experience in Peyre

 “Turning neither too thin nor too thick, that’s what being a potter is”, Eliane Régimbeau shares her experience in Peyre

Éliane Regimbeau sérieuse en train de réaliser le tournassage (régulariser la forme) de sa pièce. Midi Libre – Noélie Lemaire

Eliane Régimbeau opened her workshop in Peyre 20 years ago, after completing a 6-year training course at the Montpellier pottery school. She explains the particularity of her work.

In Éliane Régimbeau's shop, you'll find bowls, cups, vases, etc. in pastel tones. Each of her pieces is uniquely decorated with encrusted crystals. This is in fact the ceramicist's specialization: crystallization on porcelain. The secret of this complex technique lies in a very specific ingredient: enamel.

It acts like a “varnish” by making a piece waterproof. While some potters buy it ready-made, Eliane Régimbeau makes it using minerals. A rigorous step that requires precise dosages. " At the time, I learned about enamel chemistry in books, and many were in English. Today, with social networks, pottery has developed a lot. Everything is more accessible than before."

Unique pieces with unique crystals

She first fires her pieces at a low temperature of 980°. This allows the clay to remain porous, so the ceramist can distribute the glaze. Then, the piece goes back for a second firing at 1300°. " For the formation of crystals there are many factors to take into account. The cooling temperature will influence the shape, and the duration the size. If my kiln is too full, the air does not circulate. And then I have no pattern. If I place a large vase next to a bowl, it will have an impact."

 “Turning neither too thin nor too thick, that’s what being a potter is”, Eliane Régimbeau shares her experience in Peyre

Vase made with the ceramic crystallization technique. Midi Libre – Noélie Lemaire

In addition to depending on the enamel and the location in the kiln, the pieces are also subject to the vagaries of the sun and rain. "We are dependent on the weather. Drying conditions vary every day." So many elements that make each piece unique and impossible to make a second time. & quot;Nwe are not all sensitive to the same crystal patterns and a piece will always have a buyer." She also adds that "ceveryone brings their personal touch to a technique. From one ceramist to another this gives a completely different result."

A know-how as old as fire

The artist reveals that he doesn't have "the impression of going to work. I love what I do. There are so many different methods, if we wanted to tackle everything, several lives would be necessary." Technicality has been accumulated over time because, as Éliane reminds us, “we have existed since the appearance of fire.” She proudly states:  "I only drink my coffee in pottery cups. " And emphasizes the importance of promoting the use of ceramic objects. "It is a noble and durable material over time, unlike plastic. " Eliane adds with a smile: “In addition, I like to have pieces from colleagues at home".

 “Turning neither too thin nor too thick, that’s what being a potter is”, Eliane Régimbeau shares her experience in Peyre

The D’Éliane boutique is open from April to September. Midi Libre – Noélie Lemaire

Éliane Régimbeau will participate in the Antique Days on August 1st and 2nd on the Graufesenque site in Millau. She will offer an introduction to filming. An event in collaboration with the Terranga association and the Millau and Grands Causses museum.

Éliane’s creations are also available at the Millau Art et Savoir faire boutique space, 3 rue du Mandarous in Millau. I subscribe to read more

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