Le Pouget: at the 3 Fontaines equestrian center, the torch is burning between management and employees

Le Pouget: at the 3 Fontaines equestrian center, the torch is burning between management and employees

Les manifestants ont employé des mots forts. JM – JM

Le Pouget: at the 3 Fontaines equestrian center, the torch is burning between management and employees

À droite, le président de l’association s’est montré rassurant. JM – JM

Le Pouget: at the 3 Fontaines equestrian center, the torch is burning between management and employees

De nombreux soutiens affichés. JM – JM

Ce mercredi 7 août, sept des douze salariés du centre équestre des 3 Fontaines étaient en grève, au Pouget. Soutenus par de nombreux adhérents de l’association et usagers du site, ils mettent en exergue des désaccords profonds avec nouveau bureau de l’association, une direction élue il y a 20 mois.

The site was expected to be an equestrian training center for the Olympic Games. But on Wednesday, August 7, a completely different energy than Olympic ardor animated the dozens of people who came to the Trois Fontaines site in Le Pouget to support several striking employees. Among the strikers, Raphaël Mazoyer, a managerial employee, technical and educational manager of the site, is part of the team that, for 20 years, has supported the development of the structure that organizes the famous International Complete Competition in November and works on training in the equestrian circuit.

Persistent concerns

A manager who deplores that “Relations have gradually deteriorated between the new office, elected 20 months ago, and us (Ornella Antoniol and himself). In June, it ended in a clash"… Since then, concerns have been significant. "We have been here for 20 years, and we haven’not needed from them to rotate the center. Today, they would like to explain to us that we do not know how to do it and that we would have to do without our people since our two dismissals were mentioned during a meeting where many people were present. ;rsquo;other employees who attest, on their honor, to what was said. But the management is in denial." At his side, Ornella Antoniol, striking executive, and, in particular, educational manager, reports that “Last year, we had an audit of the structure done to write down everyone's responsibilities so that everyone stays in their place. It was a lot of work, it helped us move forward. But they didn't respect the commitments to be kept. They interfere in the work of employees. This disrupts the management of the team and they put it on me. It's very disturbing, we don't know which way to turn…" In this context, logical doubts also hovered over the holding of the 11th edition of the international competition, in November 2024.

On site, around 11 a.m. this Wednesday, Maxime Joviado, president of the association, spoke to the assembly. Willingly reassuring, he assures that "the organization of the 2024 International Competition has never been called into question" and "that no economic layoffs had been announced." Which is therefore noted and, moreover, the president denies any interventionism with employees, preferring to insist on benevolent support for executives.

A fee renegotiated with the Department

But ongoing negotiations regarding the amount of the fee paid to the Department, owner of the Estate, continue to fuel concerns. Until now, this rent was symbolic (less than 2,000 per year). An amount that could be revised upwards, an annual emphyteutic lease of 80,000 euros having even been mentioned, which would weaken the structure's budget. But, explains the management, the current lease is too precarious and limits the possibilities of further developing the site. As for a purchase of the estate, it would simply be out of reach of the association. Discussions are now moving towards an agricultural lease, which is more advantageous for the structure.

The possibility of an agricultural lease

A careful observer of the situation, Jacob Legros, president of the Occitanie Regional Equestrian Committee, took part in a meeting between management and striking staff this Wednesday morning. He is cautious, he believes “that there is a form of status quo in this relationship where it will be complicated to find the path of trust (between office and employees). This club has been operating for 20 years and this situation is unprecedented”. As for the question of the lease, this expert in the equestrian world judges that “it is of course up to the managers to confront it but it must not have an impact on the employees. We must not mix the problems. On this subject, I gave them an important element: in Hérault, there is a prefectural decree concerning the leases of equestrian centers that could minimize the amount of the rent, in line with the realities of the professions."

A path that could offer serious opportunities to get out of the impasse. This Wednesday evening, the horizon seemed to be clearing for employees and equestrian sports enthusiasts with the announced holding of the November competition. It remains to be seen whether the divorce is not completely consummated between strikers and office…

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