“Betrayal” for some, “openness” for others: the election of Laurent Suau as president of the Lozère department causes a political earthquake

“Betrayal” for some, “openness” for others: the election of Laurent Suau as president of the Lozère department causes a political earthquake

Laurent Suau is the new president of the Lozère department. Midi Libre – Célian Guignard

Despite his promise not to run, the mayor of Mende succeeds Sophie Pantel at the head of the Department. The latter and her close associates castigate the attitude of their former colleague.

“Promises keep good children. He who betrays will always betray.”Sophie Pantel, the new MP for Lozère and former president of the departmental council, who was putting her position on the line, did not have words harsh enough to denounce the election of Laurent Suau as head of the local assembly, this Friday, August 9, 2024. The departmental councilor of the canton of Mende-1 in fact beat Jean-Louis Brun, who was nevertheless designated as the candidate of the former majority, with a total of 16 votes out of 26, after two rounds out of three possible. He thus shattered his commitment not to run for this coveted position.

“During this session, I knew that I would inevitably have had a heavy heart since it was the handover of the presidency, Sophie Pantel first expressed herself, after the installation of her successor. However, I did not expect to witness a putsch, such infamy with the opposition group, from a certain number of members of the majority group. There was a collective decision in a group meeting. When you want to be a candidate, you raise your hand. Primaries can be organized internally. Mr. Suau has made other choices: those of treason and disloyalty since 2015. The masks have finally fallen. Personally, I will sit in the opposition."

Tense session

In an email sent to all the councillors of the former opposition, before the early legislative elections, Laurent Suau wrote: “In responsibility and despite our disagreements, the only possible candidacy to block the RN seems to me to be that of Sophie Pantel. To encourage this candidacy, avoid any confusion and expression of any political maneuver, I let him know that in the event of victory, I would not claim the presidency of the departmental council." He expected in return "simply a treatment that was appropriate for Mende".

This elective session became tense as soon as Laurent Suau's candidacy was announced, after those of Jean-Louis Brun and Jean-Paul Pourquier, former president of the Department from 2004 to 2015 and leader of the right-wing opposition. Clearly, a large part of the assembly was unaware of the Mayor of Mende's desire to be a candidate.

First clashes

The vote could go up to three rounds: the first two with an absolute majority; the last with a relative majority. All the departmental councillors were present, with the exception of Francis Gibert, who had given his proxy to Valérie Vignal-Chemin, and François Robin, who had entrusted his vote to François Amarger-Brajon.

In the first round, Laurent Suau obtained seven votes, Jean-Paul Pourquier nine, and Jean-Louis Brun ten. After a break in the session of about fifteen minutes, Jean-Paul Pourquier announced that he was withdrawing. Laurent Suau called for "a rally and an opening". He was taken on the fly by Sophie Pantel:“I would like to point out the rules. We cannot speak and make a speech. It is simply a declaration of candidacy."

Alliance with the right

An alliance with the former right-wing minority was indeed quickly sealed in the corridors of the departmental hotel, since 100% of its votes went to Laurent Suau. "I thank you for the confidence you have shown in me this morning, declared the latter, having just settled into his new armchair.Less than fifteen hours ago, I did not imagine that I would be running. The latest events of this week have made me lean towards this decision. I wanted to thank you all for your commitment. I call on everyone to work together and to demonstrate openness in this assembly.” A wish that already appears pious.

The new vice-presidents

The vice-presidents of the Lozère departmental council were appointed at the end of this elective hearing. There are still seven of them: 1st vice-president, Jean-Paul Pourquier; 2nd vice-president, Patricia Brémond ; 3rd vice-president, Denis Bertrand; 4th vice-president, Christine Hugon; 5th vice-president, Francis Gibert; 6th vice-president, François Amarger-Brajon; 7th Vice President, Patrice Saint-L&eacuteger. The other eighteen councillors are all members of the standing committee.

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