Tiffany’s was yesterday, and it’s also tomorrow with the ephemeral return of the famous Montpellier club

Tiffany’s was yesterday, and it’s also tomorrow with the ephemeral return of the famous Montpellier club

Inoubliable Tiffany’s. DR

This Sunday, fans of the famous nightclub of the 70s and 80s will meet at the Mas du Ministre for a souvenir and solidarity evening.

It was before the A709 and the Marché du Lez. Even before La Notté and the Pincho Pingo. For over a decade, from the early 1970s, Tiffany’s brought Montpellier’s nights to life. For many, it was the place to be. Saturday night fever, with a swimming pool and topless dancers. The club closed in the early 1990s, but many still feel nostalgic for it. To the point of organizing a souvenir evening once a year. It will be Sunday, from 7pm at the Mas du Ministre, in Mauguio, specially opened for the occasion.

From rock to Claude François

“In general, for these evenings, we have a lot of people, emphasizes Bernard Chadelas, a faithful among the faithful. It must be said that Tiffany's was something else. With very nice, varied music. We can't explain it. It went from rock to Claude François. The old ones who knew him will be there but we have all the generations, their children or young people who have heard a lot about him."

Raffle and Combas board

A DJ has even been trained to recreate this atypical atmosphere. The evening will of course be an opportunity to pay tribute to the emblematic boss of the place, Jeannot Gimferrer. Festive, it will also be charitable, with the benefits of a charitable association: Espace Renaissance. A raffle will also be set up, with a painting by Robert Combas as a prize.

So meet us this Sunday, from 7pm at the Mas du Ministre, chemin du Ministre. Reservations: 07 83 75 76 93. Free entry.

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