Leaflets target the mayor, scooters banned in the city, bedbugs in prison: the main regional news

Leaflets target the mayor, scooters banned in the city, bedbugs in prison: the main regional news

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Mayor targeted by leaflets

#MONTPELLIER In leaflets circulating in Montpellier, the mayor is accused of stigmatizing citizens of the Muslim faith. Allegations that are organized against the backdrop of the 2026 municipal elections… This is what a survey by L'Opinion reveals, highlighting the existence of these leaflets distributed at the exit of the La Paillade mosque, or deposited in mailboxes in working-class neighborhoods and in Juvignac.

Michaël Delafosse knows that this full-scale attack has been organized for months on WhatsApp. The mayor refuses, for the moment, to file a complaint. The LFI elected officials of Montpellier, suspected of working through communitarianism, do not wish, for the moment, to respond.

Scooters prohibited

#GARD The city hall of Bagnols-sur-Cèze has decided to ban scooters on pedestrian paths in the city center. Signs indicating this ban were installed this Wednesday. A prevention campaign has begun for a fortnight. Then, it's time for repression.

On a scooter as in a car, any infraction is punishable by a fine. Riding while wearing headphones and earphones can cost you 35 euros. It is also forbidden to carry a passenger, ride on sidewalks and exceed 25 km/h.

Bedbugs invade the prison

#BÉZIERS Since the end of August, the rooms of the staff of the Béziers prison have been invaded by bedbugs. The prisoners have been confronted with this phenomenon for months. The guards are waiting for effective measures. With the prison overcrowding that has set in in Béziers as elsewhere in France, it is impossible to treat the rooms.

To be effective, the products to destroy the bedbugs must be able to act for several days. It would therefore be necessary to empty a cell and, for several days, let the pesticides act. However, the management did not remain inactive, the prison was treated with smoke bombs.

According to a treatment company that does not wish to be named, "this type of treatment remains a sticking plaster on a wooden leg. The effectiveness is very limited. Eliminating all bedbugs requires intense and aggressive treatment that cannot be implemented in a prison while the inmates remain on site."

Sécu doctors worried about the future

#HÉRAULT The medical staff of the Hérault health insurance fund, an activity directly attached to the national fund, demonstrated this Thursday against the plan to integrate them into the primary funds. The end of a device "human", they denounce.

These personnel are responsible for giving opinions on sick leave, occupational illnesses, long-term illnesses or even incapacity procedures and have, until today, the particularity of being independent of the primary funds and of basing their decisions on a medical diagnosis. In Occitanie, this concerns 650 employees.

Today's figure: 30,000

#OCCITANIE The region is among the most attractive regions in France, notes INSEE in its latest survey on the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on the attractiveness of the regions. A quarter of new arrivals in Occitanie come from Île-de-France.

In 2021, more than 30,000 people from the Paris region settled in the region. The vast majority are people of working age. Among them, half move to the cities' catchment areas.

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