A 15-year-old girl followed by child welfare found hanging in the hotel room where she had been placed

A 15-year-old girl followed by child welfare found hanging in the hotel room where she had been placed

Selon France Bleu, l'adolescente se serait pendue dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Marten Bjork sur Unsplash – Illustration

Une enquête est en cours. La députée LFI du Puy-de-Dôme Marianne Maximi accuse l'Etat "de ne pas appliquer la loi Taquet qui renforçait l’encadrement et la sécurité des enfants placés en hôtel".

Drama in Aubière in Puy-du-Dôme. A 15-year-old girl, followed by child welfare (ASE), was found dead last weekend in the hotel room where she had been placed. According to France Bleu, who returned to this tragic information on Wednesday January 31, she hanged herself.

“The justice system has opened an investigation into the causes of death”, our colleagues explain. And “the Department in charge of child protection has set up a psychological unit”.

Nothing moving

“Child protection is collapsing and taking the lives of children, reacted the LFI MP for Puy-de-Dôme Marianne Maximi. We have been making this observation for a long time and nothing is changing. What explains today in our country that children, minors aged 15, can be alone in a hotel despite being accompanied, despite a decision by magistrates ordering protection ?&rdquo ;

The elected official believes in a tweet published on January 30 that “the State has been guilty, for two years, of not applying the law Stopper which strengthened the supervision and safety of children placed in hotels. In two days (February 1, Editor's note), the ban on hotel placements in hotels must come into force and we have neither Minister of Children nor implementing decree . I request the immediate publication of this decree banning hotel placements.

La Montagne adds that the departmental council of Puy-de-Dôme has confirmed “the suicide of& ;rsquo;a young person entrusted to child protection”. But “no expression can be made on the particular case of this young girl, who is the subject of an ongoing investigation&quot ;.

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