A fascinating journey to Egypt at the Carrières des Lumières in Baux-de-Provence

A fascinating journey to Egypt at the Carrières des Lumières in Baux-de-Provence

Avec leurs vastes proportions, les Carrières des lumières se transforment en tombeaux ou en temples égyptiens. – Stéphane Cerri

Les Carrières des lumières des Baux-de-Provence présentent l'exposition numérique immersive "L’Égypte des Pharaons. De Khéops à Ramsès II". 

For more than two centuries, Egypt has been a French passion that has never wavered. Brilliant civilization is in the spotlight this year, at the Carrières des Lumières in Baux-de-Provence, for a journey full of colors and sensations, meeting pharaohs, pyramids and more. a fascinating art. More than exoticism, the artistic direction chose the spiritual experience and the result is particularly rich.

"The challenge was threefold, explains Etienne Devic, director of Carrières des Lumières. Firstly historical, which approach to choose? He was then scientific, so as not to invent, to make anachronistic digressions. We were supported by Egyptologist Jean-Guillaume Olette-Pelletier, who validated everything. Finally, there was a technical challenge. There is already a lot of documentation, but it was necessary to make a study trip on site to supplement it with new images. This takes lots of time. Everything converged this year."

The cycle of life

Far from the school presentation, the millions of pixels plunge visitors into the heart of the cycle of life, as it was envisaged by the ancient Egyptians, from the primordial ocean, the miracle of the Nile which fertilizes the earth, then allows the birth of civilization, architecture, the wealth of the pharaohs, the development of a mythology. Then all the protocol that accompanies the death of the deceased, with the  rsquo;hope of an afterlife and resurrection.

A fascinating journey to Egypt at the Carrières des Lumières in Baux-de-Provence

"The goal is to convey the power, majesty and opulence of ancient Egypt", explains Virginie Martin, director of the digital exhibition, who hopes that the visitor when leaving the quarries will "really feel like they have traveled back in time ."

The place is ideal for such an evocation. "On the quarry site, the proportions perfectly match the theme, for a immersive experience. It’s a real change of scenery, a mise en abyme, you can believe yourself to be inside a temple, continues Etienne Devic. When the large rock walls are covered with ancient paintings, hieroglyphs or papyri from the Book of the Dead, the quarries are transformed into tombs or sanctuaries, while retaining their mysteries.

Majestic proportions

It's also impossible not to think of the stonecutters who dug its quarries when the blocks which were used to construct the pyramids appear… The exit into the exterior courtyard, all sunny and sometimes even blinding white stone, gives the impression that the show continues…

After many years with Gianfranco Ianuzzi at the helm, the digital exhibitions have been designed since last year by Virginie Martin. "The transition was smooth", specifies Etienne Devic. It is especially felt in the rhythm and musical atmospheres, more hypnotic and less pop.

A fascinating journey to Egypt at the Carrières des Lumières in Baux-de-Provence

According to Etienne Devic, there are two ways to visit this immersive exhibition, firstly in an erudite way, taking advantage in particular of the " educational screens which offer explanations, placed in historical context. But we can also simply let ourselves be overcome by emotions, by wandering and contemplating."

The experience continues in ocher colors with a short program devoted to orientalist painters. Since the 19th century, several artists have crossed the Mediterranean. Delacroix finds new sensations and sensuality there, Gérôme celebrates the artistic abundance there, Ingres is content to fantasize from a distance. A real journey…

Until January 2025. Every day, 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. The Carrières des Lumières, route de Maillane, Les Baux-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône). €15.50, reduced €13, child €12, family rate €42.04 90 49 20 02. I subscribe to read more

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