A quarter of a century completed for the Alès Myriapolis development agency

A quarter of a century completed for the Alès Myriapolis development agency

L’agence a, notamment, contribué au maintien et au développement de la zone d’activités autour du Capra. Midi Libre – Alexis BETHUNE

Créée en 1999, l’agence de développement économique de l’agglomération d’Alès fête, ce mardi 1er octobre, son premier quart de siècle.

1,300 companies and projects supported in 25 years. A result that will undoubtedly be highlighted with a hint of pride at the anniversary party planned at the mechanical center this Tuesday, October 1st. In front of a group of guests, the Agglo will celebrate, for one evening, the quarter century of its economic development agency.

Creating “added value”

Imagined in the aftermath of the post-mining period, initially under the aegis of the Association for the Industrial Development of the Alès Basin (ADIRA), the Alès Myriapolis agency has worked since its creation to attract and support new companies in the Cévennes region. “At the time, if we had been “spoiled children”, or rather a territory where our resources were more extensive, we would not have thought of working together”, believes, with hindsight, its current president Christophe Rivenq. A "one-stop shop" system linking several services imagined at the time with the mayor of Alès, Max Roustan.

Since then, Alès Myriapolis has "almost supported all the industrial companies present in the territory", continues its president by citing several examples of economic structures established: the mechanical hub, LFB Biomanufacturing, Ergosanté, the Baron des Cévennes and the Méduz brewery.

A service that remains free for project leaders, the agency being financed entirely by local authorities, “at 80%” by Alès Agglo according to Christophe Rivenq, for a total budget of 800,000 euros per year and ten employees. “The idea was to do a lot with little means. At the end of the mines, the territory had suffered things. And we didn't think we could bring together several entities around the same mission. Today, we have created added value."

Continue and face difficulties

Since then, the agency has set up events that have become almost essential for project leaders. Like the Alès Audace competition, which attracts an average of 250 applications, and which this year aims to shine a spotlight on young project leaders.

The agency also plans to be at the heart of the city's future development projects. Like the future economic hub launched in the Prés Saint-Jean district, where the ambition is to attract enough professionals to create 200 to 300 jobs. It is also mobilized in more difficult situations, such as the closure of the Solvay plant in Salindres and the announced layoff of 68 jobs. "challenges" which will be presented in detail during its anniversary evening this Tuesday. But which should be realized in a spirit of solidarity according to Annick Le Lan, its director for almost a decade. "From the moment I arrived, it was this strength of the bond between the actors and employees of the agency that struck me. We don't find that in other communities."

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