A second state-of-the-art scanner at the Via Domitia clinic

A second state-of-the-art scanner at the Via Domitia clinic

Le Dr Vendrell et une partie de l’équipe du pôle imagerie dans l’espace qui accueille le nouveau scanner. Midi Libre – JPS

The CRP Group has just acquired new, latest generation equipment which will improve the quality of diagnosis and meet the growing needs of the region for this type of examination.

Twenty-one thousand. This is the number of scanner examinations performed last year by the CRP Group's medical imaging center at the Via Domitia clinic. «  That’s a huge number. Among the most important on French territory. It is notably linked to sustained activity at the emergency level of the clinic », indicates the radiologist and president of CRP Salt, Jean-François Vendrell.
A situation which fully justifies, according to him, the arrival, since mid-January, of the latest little gem from the Medical Imaging Center in Via Domitia: a second high-performance scanner.

Equipment that makes Lunel one of three Philips test sites in Europe

The choice of the CRP team fell on a new technology. A Philips Incisive 5 300 which makes Lunel  one of the manufacturer's 3 test sites in Europe. This second scanner will therefore, first of all, make it possible to satisfy the needs of the territory. Thus, thanks to this new machine, the Via Domitia medical imaging center hopes to be able to reach 30,000 examinations this year. That’s not all. « This acquisition also makes a lot of sense because the population we reach in the Lunel basin has difficulties, particularly in terms of mobility »< /em>, insists the radiologist.

Images reconstructed by artificial intelligence

Obviously, this technological gem also has many advantages in terms of the activity of the Lunel medical imaging service. « Thanks to better ergonomics in image acquisition, the equipment firstly improves the management of patient flows », explains Jean-François Vendrell. Furthermore, by integrating artificial intelligence tools, the equipment automatically reworks and reconstructs the images.
Another advantage: this scanner has an automatic patient detection device in the room. « This is very useful because we know that sometimes the exam can be distressing for some patients. This device makes it possible to trigger the acquisition of images and the radio manipulator can remain in discussion as much as possible with the patient », explains Jean-François Vendrell.

Less radiation doses for an excellent image

But the great strength of this scanner is medical. « Its performance between the quality of the image and the dose of radiation delivered to the patient is remarkable. With a lower dose, we can have a higher quality than the other scanner », underlines the radiologist. A force which has already led to an evolution in the activity of the center's two scanners. « We decided that everything in the field of interventional examinations, which relate to guidance and do not need high image quality, is This is the case of lumbar infiltration, is now carried out by the oldest scanner. On the other hand, all injected examinations and the coroscanner are favored on this new scanner », announces Jean-François Vendrell.

Also know

The medical imaging center of the CRP Group & The Via Domitia clinic is located in on the ground floor of buildings A, B and C of the clinic. It has 35 employees, 8 & 10 radiologists work on the Lunel site. A site which now has two scanners, 1 MRI, 1 mammograph, 2 x-ray rooms and 5 ultrasound rooms. In total, the CRP Group has 150 employees including 27 radiologists.

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