“Addiction is a chronic disease” recalls Addictions France, mobilized as part of crime prevention in Bagnols-sur-Cèze

"Addiction is a chronic disease" recalls Addictions France, mobilized as part of crime prevention in Bagnols-sur-Cèze

L’association Csapa-Addictions France a animé une séance de travail en mairie sur le thème : identifier les mécanismes en jeu dans l’addiction. C.B.

The Csapa-Addictions France 30 association hosted an awareness session on Tuesday, September 24, on the mechanisms of addiction at the Bagnols-sur-Cèze town hall as part of crime prevention.

“The people we support the most are those who are addicted to alcohol and tobacco” recalled Christine Richard, prevention officer at the Addictions France 30 association, who, on Tuesday, September 24, led an awareness and discussion session on addictive behavior and the associated risks at the Bagnols-sur-Cèze town hall.

A meeting that “is part of the territorial strategy for security and crime prevention” stressed the deputy for security and public order Christian Baume. As an elected official, he testified, he is confronted “every day with problems related to drug use” in Bagnols, and has particularly warned about the use of nitrous oxide among young people. “Parents have not been sufficiently aware of these risks. “Drugs are corrupting society” continued the elected official, explaining that it is necessary “to also fight against consumers and not just against drug dealing points” .

Christine Muccio, deputy for education, shared the observation that in Bagnolse schools, “children are very violent with families where there are many addictions. Parents are unmanageable".

"In Bagnols, we support young consumers aged 12 to 25"

The members of the Csapa association(1) Addictions France, including the departmental director Marion Reynaud, explained to the representatives of the structures present, – Local youth mission, specialist educators, CLSPD (Local council for security and crime prevention)… – what were the missions of their association which intervenes on all addictions, with or without product. “We have multidisciplinary teams with doctors, psychologists, specialized educators… We raise awareness as is the case today, we do prevention with the public, whether they are consumers or not, and we have a treatment center ". The speakers proposed a reflection on the theme of the day: identifying the mechanisms at play in addiction.

"It's a chronic disease" they repeated as an introduction. “The main reasons for consultation in our centers are alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, misuse of medications and gambling”.

At the Bagnolaise branch of the association (2), “Our speciality is to support young consumers aged 12 to 25. It is an anonymous entry point and we can also welcome those close to us. We have parents who come without their child because they don't know what to do anymore” explains Maeva Kaminski, a specialist educator for the association in Bagnols-sur-Cèze.

1. Addiction Treatment, Support and Prevention Centres.

2. Bagnolaise branch of Csapa, 2 rue Joseph-Arène. Tel. 04 66 33 05 74 or by email: csapa.bagnols@addictions-france.fr

A treatment plan adapted to each person

The Csapa-Addictions France association offers a treatment plan adapted to each: individual interview, medical assessment and assistance, psychological and social assessment, support in the care process, referral to other professional structures, prevention and risk reduction.

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