Amateur rugby trophies 34: Savinien Bauvy, Léo Dupont, Hamza El Bourimi… elect the best referee

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Savinien Bauvy, Léo Dupont, Hamza El Bourimi... elect the best referee

Elisez le meilleur arbitre.

Midi Libre, the Hérault Departmental Rugby Committee and the Evelyne agency present the 3rd edition of the Hérault Amateur Rugby Trophies. Vote on until September 17th, to elect your favorites in the 15 categories.
Today, it's time for the category: Best referee. Discover all the results on October 4th!

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Savinien Bauvy, Léo Dupont, Hamza El Bourimi... elect the best referee

Savinien Bauvy.

Savinien Bauvy

Savinien Bauvy may only be 20 years old, but he already has a lot of experience in the refereeing sector. “When I watched TV so much, I would see a guy alone with his whistle, laughs Savinien. I started to get interested in refereeing in U12 and I am starting my seventh season this year." A member of the Grande-Motte club (R3), a club that he helps with regular interventions with players and coaches, the young referee devotes himself to practice after having juggled with that of player, up to Cadets.

“I stopped playing, much to my dismay, but it was necessary to move up a level,” explains the man who is studying history in Clermont-Ferrand. Involved in 32 matches last season, whether as head referee, touch judge or 4th referee, he can referee at the highest level “in Regional 1 or reserves of Federal 2 and Federal 3.”

Ambitious, Savinien Bauvy would like to quickly aim higher, to, why not one day, reach the professional level: “I know it's going to be very hard. Since I started I said I wanted to reach the professional sector." Holder of all the exams, all he lacks "is the terrain" to continue climbing the ladder.

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Savinien Bauvy, Léo Dupont, Hamza El Bourimi... elect the best referee

Léo Dupont.

Léo Dupont

He has the distinction of having already been nominated for the Amateur Rugby Trophies. Léo Dupont, fly-half for Saint-Gély Pic Saint Loup, was nominated in 2022 in the category “Best PH/1st series player”. Although he failed to win the trophy, he hopes to win the “Best referee” this year.

At 23, he recently started in the discipline of refereeing. Holder of a referee license for three years, ““I've only had designations for a year,” he says. What pushed this player towards refereeing? “When I started coaching the Juniors at my club, I was immediately interested, especially to develop skills,” Léo Dupont describes.

The weekends are intense for the young referee. Coach of the Saint-Gély Pic Saint-Loup juniors on Saturday afternoons, player with the same club in Seniors on Sundays… he must take advantage of the weeks of rest to distinguish himself whistle in mouth, on 17 matches last season.
"I only referee Regionals and Federal reserves, explains Dupont. I still have the Federal level to pass in the coming years."

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Savinien Bauvy, Léo Dupont, Hamza El Bourimi... elect the best referee

Hamza El Bourimi

With a smile on his face, Hamza El Bourimi has been “traveling” on the French pitches since his debut as a whistler in 2011. "After passing my Territorial exam, I continued my studies, I moved away from Languedoc. I was in Paris for three years, then I went to Corsica for three years, says the 30-year-old referee. No matter what region I was in, I continued to referee."

Licensed in Marseillan last season, Hamza, also a player, joined Corneilhan, which came out of hibernation, this year.
Of the 23 matches he had the chance to officiate, Hamza “didn't have a single negative point, I really enjoyed every match.” A hard worker, “I work from Monday to Saturday”, the referee continues on Saturday afternoon or Sunday. “I don't know what rest is”, he jokes.

He discovered refereeing via the UNSS at college to “discover rugby from another angle.” Now Hamza El Bourimi wants to prepare for the written exam for the Federal to be able to referee only R1. “We are in a sector in Herault where the championships are extremely committed, it teaches us to manage our matches”, notes the referee. “Refereeing educates Man, it allows us to take responsibility and organize ourselves“, he concludes.

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