Anger of farmers: night vigils are organized in Nîmes on the A9 motorway

Anger of farmers: night vigils are organized in Nîmes on the A9 motorway

La nuit tombe sur l'A9. Les tours de veille s'organisent. MIDI LIBRE – DR

Après une journée complète à occuper l'autoroute, les agriculteurs ne désarment pas. Ils seront encore là vendredi matin.

What will happen this Friday ? The question did not arise for long on the asphalt of the A9. Many farmers had come with their blankets to stay the night on site and occupy the place in the hours to come.

As night began to fall, an organizational point was made, with different monitoring slots on the equipment.  "We grouped the tractors together, because there were equipment thefts at Km Delta. And afterward, we organized guard tours. I stay at the camp until 2 a.m., and then I go home, to come back the next day, Camargue market gardener Samuel Solans told us on Thursday evening. There are still several hundred of us."

Fishermen from Grau-du-Roi announced as reinforcements

"I'm going home for a few hours. The young people stay here and the old ones including me take over around 5:30 a.m. or 6 a.m., indicates Patrick Viala. My great-nephew stays there. It's especially complicated for those who have animals. But the A9 remains busy."

This Friday, reinforcements are announced. Like those of the fishermen of Grau-du-Roi. According to David Sève, president of the FDSEA 30, the Gardois do not plan to go to Hérault for the Montpellier demonstration, but to continue to occupy the premises. Until their demands receive a positive response.

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