Aven Armand, a master hole which hid one of the most beautiful wonders of Lozère, a forest of stalagmites

Aven Armand, a master hole which hid one of the most beautiful wonders of Lozère, a forest of stalagmites

Une forêt de 400 stalagmites se dévoile. MIDI LIBRE – M. P.

Les visites de l’aven Armand reprennent pour la saison estivale avec quelques surprises dans l’un des plus incroyables voyages au centre de la terre.

"Here's a find!" exclaims Louis Armand, by the light of his torch, planted on his hemp ladder, between earth and depths. It is September 19, 1897, the blacksmith of Rozier has just discovered one of the most beautiful stalagmite forests in the world, on the Causse Méjean. Thirty years later, on June 11, 1927, the first visitor set foot in the abyss. There will be 40,000 to visit the first year, from Millau station.

A tunnel, the light, the funicular

"To explore this fault, Armand, Martel and Vivier had just an 80-meter rope ladder, a field telephone from the French army, magnesium lamps",< /em> recalls Dominique Laroche-Dieuaide, guide and manager of site events. Martel named the place l’aven Armand and after the death of the blacksmith in 1922, launched work to open it to the public : "He founded the management company and raised funds. Édouard and Albert Eiffel, Gustave's children, invested here."

Titanic work will be launched to pierce the rock and make the bottom of the cave accessible. A tunnel inclined from the surface, which opens directly above the stalagmite forest. Fernando Jacopozzi, the brilliant lighting designer who lit up Paris, will enhance the place: "Four simultaneous systems had been installed because the bulbs could not stay lit for several hours", smiles the guide. In 1963, the funicular will be installed. It is therefore at his feet that the visit begins, with the first descent of Louis Armand, in a Chinese shadow, commenting on his discovery, connected to the surface by telephone wire. Magic.

Aven Armand, a master hole which hid one of the most beautiful wonders of Lozère, a forest of stalagmites

A team of 20 to 30 people to discover the underground wonder. FREE NOON – M. P.

The room, in its immensity, is dizzying: 110 meters long, 60 meters wide, 400 meters in circumference, a vault height of 45 meters: "We could imagine an Olympic stadium", enthuses Dominique Laroche-Dieuaide. At the foot, scree, a few bones, remains of animals and humans, which fell into the bowels of the chasm several hundred years ago: "It’s here that Martel understood that under the effect of runoff and the decomposition of corpses, downstream sources could be polluted and generate epidemics."  The Martel law was promulgated on February 15, 1902. It prohibited the throwing of animal corpses and putrescible waste into caves.

Concerts in the forest

After the descent, the route takes shape through the forest of 400 gigantic stalagmites and allows you to see them up close, stacked mineral corollas, slowly structured over millions of years by ;nbsp;water, limescale, runoff, evaporation. At the very bottom of the cavity, a vertical well 90 meters deep sinks into the bowels, visible: "Excavations are taking place but for the time being, the Right now, we haven't found anything, comments the guide.

The highlight of the show, the most gigantic of the columns stands 30 meters high. Another play of sound and light enhances the beauty. Concerts "under rock" are organized in September, in partnership with Scènes Croissants de Lozère. Last year, Erik Truffaz played his trumpet. In 2027, it will be the centenary of the opening to the public: "We are considering having a statue of Louis Armand made", underlines Christel Caruso, the director of the site. An eternal tribute for the one who one day stumbled upon the wonder of Lozère.

The Spéléo Café, for a treat!

After visiting the Aven, it’s time for the terroir! The Sp&léo Café, on the Aven Armand site, favors the short circuit, as explained by Rejane Ruas, catering manager&nbsp ;: "Since 2020, we have been offering local products to enhance the territory, with dishes from here, homemade." Snack, hot dishes like this lunch o& ugrave; the menu offers coufidou, "a lozérienne stew" (18 €), charcuterie board of at Family à Meyrueis (15 euros), cheeses from Fédou, quiches (12 euros) and local beers from Jonte.

L’aven Armand is open every day. The Jules-Verne visit (from 12 euros, 1 hour, all public); the private visit, 80 € + individual rate per person every day & 1:30 p.m., 1 hour, by online reservation; the exploration visit (descent from the natural well, from 12 years old), 2 hours, 80 euros; per person upon online reservation; the VIP visit, maximum duration 2 hours 30, prices on quote. Reservations: www.avenarmand.com

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