Between Jean-Baptiste-Dumas high school and the business world, Marie Gaspard creates dynamics

Between Jean-Baptiste-Dumas high school and the business world, Marie Gaspard creates dynamics

“L’objectif, c’est que l’élève puisse aller en stage et en entreprise une fois diplômé, sur notre territoire.” MIDI LIBRE – STEPHANE BARBIER

Recrutée en qualité de responsable du bureau des entreprises, un poste né de la réforme du lycée professionnel, la trentenaire tisse, à Alès, le lien école-entreprise.

If the practice is old, the function is new. Just like the face that embodies it. Marie Gaspard, head of the business office (RBDE), has been working to develop and strengthen, since the last school year, the relationship between the professional world and that of the Jean-Baptiste-Dumas high school (JBD), in Alès, under the provisorate of Éric Vaissière, who also arrived in September 2023. An activity, the result of the reform of vocational high schools, concerning nearly 800 students in the technological sector, including the need for an internship with a company (twice a year, lasting six at ten weeks) must be successful. For the student, in order to reassure him in his choice of orientation, as for the company so that the transmission of know-how does not turn into hard work…

Marie Gaspard: "I love taking on challenges"

A virtuous relationship now favored by Marie Gaspard, 37 years old, graduated as a social and professional integration advisor motivated by this new mission within National Education. "I love taking on challenges and the objective is that the student can go on an internship, and in a company once graduated, on our territory. Companies with quality welcome and learning. And it’also means weaving and expanding this network with local economic players and creating privileged relationships."

Partnerships in sight

To do this, during a recent educational council, all teachers were asked to identify, through the sixteen courses offered by the school, the partner companies with which a partnership will be established.

To give birth to vocations

"They are the ones who have been supporting this network for many years and this will represent around thirty agreements signed", explains Marie Gaspard. A commitment to creating connections also underpinned by a revaluation of these so-called technical professions, which have had a negative connotation for too long, while the Covid crisis has shed light on an alarming deindustrialization. "One of the axes of my mission is, with the local school and business committee (CLEE), to highlight our professions, to discover them and to create vocations. We realized, during a meeting at the start of the school year with the academic director of national education services Christophe Mauny, that the students, at the end of 4th and 3rd years, know ten professions. The objective is that in a few years, they will know fifty of them and in particular these industrial professions in which, today, one can have a very good career."

A "Pro to pro"meeting

At the same time, a network of former students will also allow us to testify about the conditions of employment in order to take a fair and detailed look at the conditions of practice. Finally, on May 30, a meeting called "Pro à pro", between professor and professional, will lay an additional foundation for this new chapter in the relationship between JBD and companies in the Alès region.

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