Can your worst fears disappear ? This intriguing method could prove itself

Can your worst fears disappear ? This intriguing method could prove itself

Vaincre les phobies par l’hypnose, c’est possible ?

Spiders, darkness, elevators… hellip; Phobias correspond to irrational, excessive and persistent fears of specific situations or objects. The use of hypnosis is increasingly common in their treatment. With what results ?

According to Inserm, "hypnosis is an ancient technique, used for treatment in Western societies for at least 200 years". Its principle ? Through words, the hypnosis practitioner induces in the patient a particular state of consciousness, which is neither vigilance nor sleep. This state is "characterized by indifference to the exterior and hyper suggestibility". In other words, a psychological disposition which leads a person to submit to and obey any suggestion.

In a report produced on the subject, Inserm recalls that there exists "sufficient elements to be able to assert that the& rsquo;hypnosis has a potential therapeutic interest, particularly in intraoperative anesthesia". Specialists speak of hypnosedation. But also hypnoanalgesia which corresponds to an indication in the management of pain.

An immediate experience of well-being

Beyond this, the French Society of Hypnosis mentions on its website several indications in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. Like in particular "problems of self-esteem, management of stage fright in the artistic field, management of personal and professional stress, relational difficulties, ;rsquo;anxiety, insomnia and phobias". The latter are part of the family known as ‘anxiety disorders’.

As a preamble to a session, the phobic patient may be asked to describe the different components of their fear or even the triggers. Hypnosis can thus prove useful in aiming for better control of anxiety, through relaxation. The patient thus experiences an experience of relaxation and well-being, in a context where he feels safe.

As concluded by doctors from the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) in the Swiss Medical Review "hypnosis allows the patient to experience an immediate experience well-being and serenity in the here and now. This different sensory experience reinforces the possibility of considering change". And to face more serenely what was once a phobia…

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