COMMUNICATED. Causes, epidemiology, treatments… an event organized in Gignac to understand migraine

COMMUNICATED. Causes, epidemiology, treatments… an event organized in Gignac to understand migraine

Quelles sont les causes de la migraine ? DR.

On Wednesday April 3, 2024, from 7 p.m., a conference on migraine, free and open to all, will take place in the conference room of the community of communes of the Vallée de l’Hérault.

A conference will be offered by Dr Nicolas Gaillard, neurologist at the Gignac health center, at the Beau Soleil clinic and at Roch Santé, and Miren Behaxeteguy, migraine patient and volunteer for the voice of migraine sufferers, on 3&amp ;nbsp;April 2024, from 7 p.m., in the conference room of the community of communes of the Vallée de L’Hérault.

Decryption of migraine

Several themes will be discussed:

The causes and mechanisms of migraine Epidemiology and health issues in France Current treatments and outlook Testimonial from a patient on his experience and the impact of migraine Presentation of the voice of migraine sufferers association and its projects

A free event

This event is free and open to all, it will be followed by a cocktail dinner. It will be held in the conference room of the community of communes of the Vallée de l’Hérault located at 2, Parc d’ Calmace activities, in Gignac (34150).

Aésio Santé: innovative mutualist player

Caring, Supporting, Innovating: this is the guiding principle of the mutualist actor. It offers, through nearly 200 health establishments, a range of care and services, adapted to each territory.

Aésio is as well present in the field health as well as medico-social. From surgery to medicine, including oncology, care follow-up and rehabilitation, home hospitalization, radiology, health centers, dental…

But it is also present in reception for the elderly, people with disabilities, early childhood and home services person or even innovation, research and development.

Always with this aim of caring, supporting, innovating, Aésio deals with the sectors of goods and services: pharmacies, optical centers, hearing aids, general orthopedics and medical equipment.

On a daily basis, 5 100 healthcare professionals s’invest to treat, accompany, support and provide their patients, residents and customers, ever more innovative solutions.

Faced with the challenges of our society: aging of the population, development of chronic diseases, scarcity of public finances, the mutualist group continues its ambition to promote the ;access for all to quality care.

For this and concretely, the teams work in the field to develop e-health and facilitate access to remote specialists or benefit from tools based on artificial intelligence to identify and prevent fragility.

It also strives to create local health centers in areas affected by medical desertification and to optimize care pathways and avoid interruptions in care and hospitalizations.

Aésio Santé is also responsible for experimenting with new supports and tools to provide new solutions in support patients.

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