Companion roofers from all over France will meet in Mende for their conference

Companion roofers from all over France will meet in Mende for their conference

Les organisateurs du congrès des compagnons couvreurs, Pierre Lerouxel et Julien Fouquet, aidés de leurs épouses. MIDI LIBRE – STEPHANIE BOULOIR

Une journée sera ouverte au public, le vendredi 10 mai 2024, au théâtre de Mende.

Julien Fouquet and Pierre Lerouxel have several things in common. They are roofers, work slate, are based in their original Lozère, in Ispagnac for the first, in Barjac for the second. And have the same nickname, that of their region: Gévaudan. Both are indeed companions of duty. They are currently preparing to host, in Mende, from May 8 to 11, 2024, the national congress of journeyman roofers.

"The job and the journey"

This meeting is organized each year in a different city, and welcomes fellow roofers, their wives and children. Pierre Lerouxel and Julien Fouquet wanted Lozère to host this event. To introduce companions to the department, on the one hand; to introduce the companions to Lozériens, on the other hand. "We do not have a companion house in the department, the closest is in Rodez, they explain. Hosting this congress here was an opportunity to talk about companionship and make it known in Lozère."

The two roofers find that this association, intended for training and learning, deserves to be known. They do not regret having followed their course there. "There are important regional specificities in these professions. Depending on the region, we work with slate, slate, and tiles. And this allows you to see different types of structures, large and small companies. An asset to then prepare your own installation"< /em>, estimates Pierre Lerouxel. "Companionship is the job, of course, but it’s also the journey, the fact of living in community. We also learn like that", adds Julien Fouquet. And a significant asset: solidarity and fraternity are strong values ​​in companionship.

The Companions of Duty, how it works ?

The Compagnons du Devoir offer around thirty professions. The training allows you to pass diplomas, CAP, BEP, professional certificate, professional license… The Tour de France lasts seven years. The apprentice trains in two cities each year, in a company and in evening classes. During his tour of France, in France and/or à Abroad, the companion benefits from the network and organization of the Compagnons du Devoir.

300 people are expected next week in Mende. On the program, times of visits and activities, to discover the territory and its know-how, and times of work and exchanges between companions. One day will be open to the public, May 10. Artisans from the department, people working in the building sector, but also people interested in companionship will be able to participate in a round table, with several speakers, around the theme of reuse and the short circuit, at the theater, from 8&nbsp ;h 30 to 6 h (5 €).

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