“Depression is an illness, it can be treated!” : Professor Olié, godmother of a day dedicated to Montpellier, deconstructs preconceived ideas

“Depression is an illness, it can be treated!” : Professor Olié, godmother of a day dedicated to Montpellier, deconstructs preconceived ideas

Emilie Olié, godmother of the day, has chaired the French Association of Biological Psychiatry and Neuropharmacology since the end of 2023. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

Emilie Olié, Professor of psychiatry at Montpellier University Hospital, is the godmother of the National Depression and Bipolar Disorder Day of France which is taking place this April 20 at the Domaine d’O. She takes stock of these psychiatric illnesses and the evolution of their treatment.

You are the godmother of the National Depression and Bipolar Disorder Day of France which takes place this April 20: do you notice an increase in these problems in Montpellier University Hospital ?

These mood disorders affect approximately 12% of the population each year. The trend is increasing. It's difficult to verify this personally at the University Hospital because we have more specialized referrals: not everyone with depression goes to see a psychiatrist. We see the most severe and resistant cases. Depression in the broad sense is first seen in general practitioners.

What are the factors that explain this trend?

There has been a strong impact of the pandemic in recent years. Social and environmental factors come into play, without forgetting biological vulnerability. Depression isn't just about losing your job or getting divorced. There are predispositions that favor the arrival of the disease.

Hereditary predispositions ?

You have to be careful. There are genetic factors: we are more at risk of suffering from a mood disorder if we have a family history but it is not hereditary in the direct sense like cystic fibrosis for example.

The 18-24 year old group has been increasingly affected since the pandemic, true or false ?

It's difficult to say on a personal level since I specialize in bipolarity at the University Hospital, it's special. We see 18-24 year olds but it’s true that the increase concerns the population in general.

Is drug use an aggravating factor for young people?

Regardless of young people, it is certain that drug use is a factor in the emergence of mood disorders.

What signs should alert parents if their child, a young adult, shows signs of depression ?

A notable change in behavior with social withdrawal, verbalization of suicidal thoughts, consumption of toxic substances, dropping out of school, loss of interest in things…hellip;

What to do?

Consult! You must discuss it with the young person or person concerned and express your concern. Then refer to your general practitioner who can sort things out.

The "My psychological support" is reinforced: proof of its effectiveness?

We go from 8 to 12 sessions. I don’t know if there are figures to measure its effectiveness on depression. But it is good to take into account the importance of psychotherapy for depression. The system facilitates access to psychotherapies which are mainly carried out by psychologists who are not reimbursed outside hospital environment. The "gold standard" to treat a characterized depressive episode relies on a tripod: drug treatment, structured psychotherapy and behavioral therapies.

Non-drug approaches are the theme of the day of April 20.

Lifestyle (sleep, diet, sport, environment) participates in the construction of the program. You need to have a global vision of care. Cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) are indicated for depression. Saturday, there is a walking workshop, mindful meditation, Professor Sultan talks about diet, the program is very eclectic.

What is the link between diet and depression??

In biological vulnerability, there are chemical elements at the cerebral and peripheral level. Research is ongoing. We see that the place of Omega 3 has shown its interest in mild depression. We do not divide the body and the mind. Psychiatric illnesses have a biological substrate. Psychotherapies will modify brain activations, biological markers. Many psychotropic drugs are prescribed in France but the reasons are not always the right ones.

Florence Bourles, president of the association, will discuss the role of peer helper

Psychoeducation plays a role like peer helpers. The concept is new but there are more and more of them and not only in psychiatry. They can be part of the healthcare team. There are a few employees at the CHU. They support patients in their unique experience while sharing their journey. It’s a very interesting offbeat point of view. This is part of the mental health roadmap.

What message to patients?

Depression is an illness, it can be treated. It’s not a question of will. We need to destigmatize. You can be depressed and have a very severe illness, you can suffer from schizophrenia and be better integrated than a patient who is depressed! There are representations of pathologies which do not reflect the heterogeneity of patients.

National France Depression and Bipolar Disorder Day: the program for April 20

The French National Day for Depression and Bipolar Disorders is being held this Saturday, April 20 at the Domaine d’O à Montpellier.

10 h 30 : opening with Professor Emilie Olié, Elodie Brun-Mandon éelected in charge of healthé , Claudie Tondon Bernard and Christine Villelongue co-presidents of the association, Dr Charlotte Mulle, medical and scientific representative of the association, Florence Bourles , peer helper and president of the association.

11: the Mediterranean diet, Professor Ariane Sultan, endocrinologist; 11:30 a.m.: moving for our health mental, conference followed by an arch workshop or adapted physical activities; 12:30 p.m. free aperitif and lunch; 14 hours presentation of Psychodon actions with Didier Meillerand; 2 p.m. 15 art on prescription with Elodie Michel; 14 h 45 3rd wave cognitive-behavioral therapy with Dr. Déborah Ducasse ; 3 p.m. 15 health workshop food with Cécile Ageroné dietician ; 16 hours 15 workshops of your choice; 17 hours  telephone listening, useful, for what reasons ? with Dr. Christian Cheveau ; 5 p.m. and 20 p.m. the caregivers' place with Dr. Jean-Pierre Chabannes; 17 h 45 perspectives on therapeutic education.

To register: www.billetweb.fr/JNFD2024. Information from France depression and bipolar disorders Occitanie at 06 37 26 03 16. I subscribe to read more

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