Disoriented patients will now have clocks so they don't lose track at Millau hospital

Disoriented patients will now have clocks so they don't lose track at Millau hospital

L’équipe de soignants avec les horloges destinées aux patients. D.R

Grâce à l'action du Lions Club de Millau douze horloges adaptées viennent d'équiper le service de médecine polyvalente de l'hôpital de Millau. 

The hospital's paramedical and medical team has been working for 4 years on a project to improve patient reception conditions. In particular the multi-purpose medicine service which welcomes people with a sometimes very high average age. Some suffer from cognitive disorders and those who, upon arrival are not disoriented, may become so during their hospitalization due to their isolation, the break with daily life and habits.

Maintain temporal orientation for patients

The objective of the project: to keep the person hospitalized, as much as possible in real time, by installing a clock in each room indicating the day of the week, the date, the time. Without forgetting, if possible, the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night). All this to maintain temporal orientation for the hospitalized person. The project is part of a quality approach.

This project has just been realized thanks to the help of the Lions Club of Millau which recently offered 12 clocks adapted to disoriented people for a substantial budget of 1,540 euros. The medical team is delighted to see this project come to fruition.

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