End of plant collection: Nîmes Métropole offers new solutions

End of plant collection: Nîmes Métropole offers new solutions

De gauche à droite, les élus Pascale Venturini, Bernard Angelras, et le président de Nîmes Métropole, Franck Proust;t MLG

Depuis le mois d'octobre, en raison d'une nouvelle réglementation, les déchets verts ne sont plus collectés. Seule solution, qui a suscité du mécontentement : les amener dans une déchèterie. 

The figures from the consultation launched with neighborhood committees speak for themselves: 45% of Nîmes believe that the sites of spring and fall cleaning operations are not accessible, 68% admit difficulties in transporting plants to a recycling center and 80% would like to recycle them through grinding… After collection stopped in October (due to new regulations) and the ban on burning, many people in Nîmes had expressed their discontent. "The difficulties ? The impossibility of traveling for the elderly and refusals at recycling centers on Sunday", underlines Franck Proust, president of the Agglo. Who, with his teams, therefore proposes new solutions. After their presentation to around thirty committees on Monday evening, they will be the subject of a point of discussion. step in a year. 

16 mini-recycling centers for cleaning

In Nîmes, the fall and spring cleaning operations (the next meeting is scheduled for March 23 and 24) are very popular, deploying 10 mini-recycling centers across the city to collect plants, bulky items, scrap metal… From now on, this figure will rise to 16. "New sites are being studied for fall 2024,  confides Bernard Angelras, vice-president of the Agglo in charge of this file. We tried to have a better distribution over the territory." The new sites ? Vacquerolles, Tour Magne, Hoche, Marronniers-Beausoleil, Capouchiné, Cité des Espagnes.

A mobile dumpster from Aprill

Another measure, the deployment of a mobile skip for plants which will rotate from April to October on the 16 mini-recycling sites. "The neighborhood committees chose four additional one-day passages."

Shredding plants at home

This service is only aimed, during this year of experimentation, at people aged over 70 or with disabilities, residing in one of the 39 municipalities of the ;Agglom. From September, all you need to do is make an appointment by telephone (on 0 800 420 420) or on the My waste service application.

Projects for better management

Projects have been launched for better plant management. First of all, the implementation of 100% composting, which is arriving in Nîmes today, with individual actions and shared areas. But also the modernization and extension of the recycling centers at Ancienne-Motte and Saint-Césaire, and land research for a fourth site on the road to Uzès. Finally, a crusher compactor will compact the plants in the bins, to avoid refusals on Sunday.

A total cost estimated at 2,785,000 euros

The services of N&imes Métropole estimate that the cost of these new measures amounts to a total of ; 2,785,000 € : i.e. 25,000 € per year for the development of mini-landfills, 60,000 € per year for the mobile skip, 300,000 € per year for grinding à domicile, 2,100,000 € for 100% composting and 300,000 € for the mobile compactor. À note that the president of Nîmes M&etropole, Franck Proust, maintains his objective of a reduction in the TOM (Household Waste Tax) ;rsquo;here the end of his mandate.

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