Extreme heat: adjustment of working hours for construction work in the City of Montpellier

Extreme heat: adjustment of working hours for construction work in the City of Montpellier

Place de la Comédie, working under a blazing sun. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Extreme heat: adjustment of working hours for construction work in the City of Montpellier

Mohammed Azaoum: “Even if I am used to working in the heat, like everyone who works outdoors, I appreciate this change in hours. It is much better for us.” Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Extreme heat: adjustment of working hours for construction work in the City of Montpellier

Olivier Daumas, the main site manager, reminds us every morning of the instructions to follow in case of extreme heat. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Since July 18, companies working on the public domain of the City of Montpellier, on its behalf or that of the Metropolis, can begin their work at 6 a.m.

"It's too hot to work", sang Henri Salvador. With temperatures that keep rising, it's hard to be as productive. Only those who are in air-conditioned offices can consider themselves happy, even if they would prefer to be on the beach. For those who work on a construction site in the blazing sun, it's a whole different story.

Legally, what is it?? The Labor Code provides a very brief answer on the subject. It does not determine any maximum temperature above which the employee can legally stop working. At most, Article R.4534-143 of the Labor Code provides that the construction employer is required to provide each employee with at least three liters of water per day.

In any case, to avoid carnage on construction sites that take place on the public domain of the City of Montpellier, the latter authorized, by municipal decree, on July 18, and until September 14 inclusive, companies working on its behalf or that of the Metropolis to begin work at 6 a.m. instead of 7 a.m., “while limiting noise pollution before 7 h".

In the field

Mohammed Azaoum has been working for the Razel-Bec company for four months on the construction site for the esplanade, Place de la Comédie. Since July 22, following the municipal decree, his hours have changed. He now works from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. instead of 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Even though I am used to working in the heat, like everyone who works outdoors, I appreciate this change in hours. It's much better for us“, he confides, before returning to the premises to take a break and freshen up.

Changing the hours, for the main site manager, Olivier Daumas, is what had to be done.”The schedules were adjusted on July 22. Right next to the construction site, workers have access to an equipped and air-conditioned canteen, showers and toilets. They can come and take a break whenever they want“, he explains. Every day, the instructions are repeated: avoid noisy work before 7 a.m., prioritize difficult tasks in the morning, remember to hydrate regularly and not expose yourself to the risk of sunstroke. Then, as soon as noon approaches, “they are then in freewheeling, because we know full well that we cannot have the same output with high temperatures", he explains.

On the tram construction site, a stone's throw from the Place de la Comédie, there is no timetable adjustment. "We would like to start at 6 a.m., but our bosses do not want us to change our schedules. It would be much better for us, given the heat“, said one of the workers on the construction site.

TO FINISH the word of the head of this last construction site is missing

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