He finds drugs in the playground and returns them to its owner: a school principal prosecuted for complicity

He finds drugs in the playground and returns them to its owner: a school principal prosecuted for complicity

Des sachets de cannabis on a été retrouvé dans l’école Pierre-Brossolette à Valence. google street View – capture d'écran

À Valence, le directeur d'une école primaire est poursuivi pour complicité de trafic de stupéfiants après avoir rendu de la drogue à un dealer.

For four years the town of Valence has been marked by violence linked to drug trafficking and score-settling. This time, it is the principal of a school who is being prosecuted for a case of complicity in drug trafficking.

For a while now, the violence had been approaching this establishment called Pierre-Brossolette indicates France 3 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. Several parents have even chosen to no longer send their children to class for several days. Some went so far as to move because of this violence.

Bags of cannabis at school

On March 25, a supervisor discovered two bags of cannabis at the edges of the playground gates. She informed the school management who made the decision to put away the bags and put them back in the same place in the evening when the children would no longer be present. However, the bags were still there the next day.

At lunch break, the owner comes to the school entrance to ask to collect them. The director then returns the bags in question.

"I didn't want death in our school"

A few hours later, in the parking lot of the establishment, a man is shot. The director works with the wounded man and prevents the attackers from killing him, he saves his life. "I didn't want anyone to die in our school& rdquo;, he declares.

Regarding the investigation, no link has been established between the two cases. The director of the establishment was interviewed by the judicial police at the time of the events. He admits to having returned the bags and to having made a mistake. "If I had to do it again, I would not make the same decision, I would inform my superiors. I made a mistake, but that doesn't make me an accomplice to drug trafficking", he admits.

An investigation is underway

Proceedings for possession and complicity in drug trafficking are underway, according to the public prosecutor of Valencia. According to the lawyer, drugs "was returned under duress, and for fear of reprisals. I remind you that a drug trafficker was present in the school grounds, so there was a real danger.

However, finding drugs in this town is not complicated. "My son picked up a stick of shit"  going to school, says a mother of a student at the school."The last time, there were pills inside, my daughter arrived with the package in her hand, testifies another mother.

"He has always been honest, attentive and above all, what counts for us is also the level of the’ rsquo;school, he is very good, we talk about that ?", s’expressed a parent delegate about the director. The case is now in the hands of justice.

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