Hiking, cycling, long-coast… get back into sport “with two or three short sessions per week”

Hiking, cycling, long-coast... get back into sport "with two or three short sessions per week"

Marcher deux à trois fois par semaine, une bonne résolution à prendre pour 2024. Midi Libre – ARCHIVES/MiKAEL ANISSET

Animateur du club Coeur et santé de Bagnols-sur-Cèze, Jean-Louis Laffitte donne ses conseils pour reprendre le sport en douceur en ce début d'année 2024.

With the new year comes good resolutions, particularly in the areas of sport and health. "As a good resolution ? Have discipline!" launches Jean-Louis Laffitte, facilitator at the Heart and Health club in Bagnols-sur-Cèze, whose objective is to prevent cardiovascular risks and improve the health of people affected by heart disease. #39;cardiac pathology through sport.

The day after the holidays, “doing two hours of training to eliminate, when you don't exercise regularly, it's not good, there are risks”. He advises getting back into sport, gradually.  And  Before getting started, it is better to have a check-up with your doctor. You can take up sport at any time, at any age… but not just any way or any sport. explains the Bagnolais who supervises hikes for members of the association. 

"We have to go gradually"  

Walking, cycling, indoor sports or swimming in the sea… to each their own activity with always the same rule:  "don't seek performance. Because if we don't have the training, we will suffer, and we risk an accident. Or else, we will give up,” he warns. When he leads his group of hikers from Heart and Health through the paths of the Rhone Gard, Jean-Louis Laffitte reminds everyone that we must go there gradually&quot ; and be patient. "Progression does not happen immediately but at the end of the season".

The leader of the club, which brings together people with heart problems, also advises doing “two or three short sports sessions per week, rather than one long one where you runs out. Three times five kilometers of walking is very good. But watch out for your knees. "With age, those who walk a lot have pain in their knees; the alternative is cycling. And in the Rhone Gard, there are many small roads where you can practice even with a road bike. This experienced hiker is also a fan of the coastline, “walking in the sea” is very beneficial. The water gives us quite a massage! You can start with water up to mid-thigh, then up to the waist and finally up to the shoulders, wearing a ;nbsp;suit in winter.

Doing sport and adopting good eating habits, after the excesses of the holidays, will give you a good start for the year… "you need to know what ;#39;we want!" 

The Heart and Health club in Bagnols-sur Cèze offers hikes (Tuesdays), gentle walking (Mondays) and gymnastics (Thursday mornings at the associations house). Jean-Louis Laffitte is also a trainer in life-saving gestures. Such. 06 85 70 44 12.

Group health sports classes in Bagnols-sur-Cèze and Pont-Saint-Esprit

Emma Clavi&eac;, active teacheré physical and adapted within the Bassin Bagnolais adapted sports association. (BBSA), offers group lessons à Bagnols (Monday from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Thursday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the association center) and Pont-Saint-Esprit (Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Thursday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., at the Clos Bon Aure complex).

"Healthy sporté allows you to maintain physical fitness. We work on muscle strengthening, balance, coordination and cardio,” she says. The participants are between 50 and 80 years old. "I also take care of people who have different pathologies and who wish to maintain an activity. physics." 

Groups (maximum 12 people) are mixed. It is possible to do several trial sessions before paying the annual fee of 50 euros.

Information and registration for sessions from Emma Clavié at 06 34 61 03 91.

Chloé Lopez

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