“How long can I live”: the anguish of a mother from Hérault suffering from the same cancer as Clémentine Vergnaud

“How long can I live”: the anguish of a mother from Hérault suffering from the same cancer as Clémentine Vergnaud

Marta : “L’envie de voir mes enfants grandir me donne des forces insoupçonnées.”

La vie de cette mère de famille a basculé en juin 2023 quand elle a appris qu'elle était atteinte d'un cancer des voies biliaires, très rare et très agressif.

Clemtine Vergnaud, jeune journaliste de France Infohad produced a very moving podcast to tell the story of his journey since the announcement of the illness, cancer of the bile ducts which ended up winning him. Near Montpellier, another young woman comes out of the shadows to testify and express her hope for recovery even though she has just flown to the United States to participate in a clinical trial . 

Marta and Nicolas Guiho live in Castries with their two children aged 3 and 6, Abigail and Simon. Marta, 42 years old, who is passionate about her profession, says: "My world turned upside down on June 23, 2023, I was diagnosed with bile duct cancer, rare and aggressive, at an advanced stage ."

A sneaky cancer that grows silently and does not give symptoms until it is very advanced. A cancer for which treatments are lacking. For Marta, "the earth disappears under [her] feet, the questions pile up. Why me ? Why now ? Nobody knows how to answer.

A spirit of struggle and combativeness

Cared for in one of the best centers dedicated to the fight against cancer in Montpellier, the doctors hope to be able to operate. But as the weeks go by, they discover that the cancer has spread to the bones. The door to healing closes and a question emerges: " How long can I live with the disease ? Statistics speak of a life expectancy of 12- 18 months… My world is falling apart a second time." She underwent a first heavy treatment of chemotherapy and immunotherapy for five months, but the disease progressed. Despite the fear and astonishment, Marta refuses to give up. "The desire to see my children grow up gives me unsuspected strength", she notes with conviction.

A Quest for Healing

She flew to Los Angeles this Wednesday, January 24, 2024 to participate in a clinical trial "the first results of which are very promising". "If Marta was able to gather a little savings, the amount is not enough to finance the costs of participation in the clinical trial (medications, care, examinations) as well that the additional costs linked to travel (transport, accommodation on site)", indicated in a press release Anne-Sophie Roturier, the founder of the platform La Cagnotte des Proches on which Marta launched a call for donations.

The estimated budget, including all costs, amounts to 250,000 €, "in the absence of agreement on the responsible for medical care between France and USA", indicates Marta on the site. The objective is to collect 180,000 € to support Marta in her quest for healing.

More info: app.lacagnottedesproches.fr/cagnotte/mon-dernier-spér-face-au-cancer/

Midi Libre Correspondent: 06 10 37 14 44

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