Identified by the gendarmes, an arsonist from Lunel, already known for acts of the same nature, was arrested

Identified by the gendarmes, an arsonist from Lunel, already known for acts of the same nature, was arrested

L’incendie de la rue du Foyer a ravagé un local médical. ML – DR

Le mis en cause, âgé d’une trentaine d’années, a été écroué dans l’attente de son procès fixé le 10 juin prochain.

An investigation, carried out jointly by the autonomous territorial brigade of Lunel and the Lunel research brigade, made it possible to identify an arsonist and arrest him, this Monday, April 15.

The police accuse him of three acts. The first dates back to January 21. This is a fire involving three vehicles that occurred during the night on rue du Foyer. The flames had spread to a medical room and everything inside was destroyed. The total damage amounts to 77,000 euros.

Caught by CCTV cameras

Between March 29 and April 2, a construction site this time, near Jean-Hugo Park, was also set on fire. Finally, on April 1, a new vehicle fire broke out, impasse des Tonneliers still in Lunel. He was quickly brought under control by the firefighters.

Identified by the gendarmes, an arsonist from Lunel, already known for acts of the same nature, was arrested

He attacked parked cars. ML – DR

That day, the soldiers noticed the presence of an individual fleeing at their sight. And above all, some time later, a second vehicle fire was recorded near the first. By using video surveillance cameras, investigators identified a man and his dog.

He admitted the facts

Placed in police custody, this thirty-year-old admitted all the facts with which he was accused. The research also made it possible to establish that he was already known for acts of the same nature committed in another department, in 2020.

Referred to the Montpellier public prosecutor's office on Tuesday April 16, he was the subject of incarceration pending his trial scheduled for April 10 ;next June.

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