In Lunel, the 5th Asia Tsuki attracted amateurs and novices of Asian culture

In Lunel, the 5th Asia Tsuki attracted amateurs and novices of Asian culture

Cartes, goodies, jeux, figurines… il y en avait pour tous les goûts. A. C.

In Lunel, the 5th Asia Tsuki attracted amateurs and novices of Asian culture

Authors and designers created live on their stand. A.C.

In Lunel, the 5th Asia Tsuki attracted amateurs and novices of Asian culture

The kokedama workshop was a great success with adults and children alike. A.C.

In Lunel, the 5th Asia Tsuki attracted amateurs and novices of Asian culture

Retrogaming or when parents are better at video games than their children! A.C.

In Lunel, the 5th Asia Tsuki attracted amateurs and novices of Asian culture

Parmi les moments forts, le défilé cosplay sur la scène de l’auditorium de l’Espace Castel. A. C.

Près de 800 personnes ont franchi les portes de l’Espace Castel, ce samedi 25 mai, pour participer à l’événement.

Mayor Pierre Soujol underlined this in his inaugural speech and it is true that the atmosphere which reigned in the Espace Castel invited us to travel, this Saturday, May 25, for the 5th edition of l’Asia (ex-Japan) Tsuki.

"An openness to the world and an open mind", continued the councilor, who had great success again this year with an audience divided into two very distinct categories: on the one hand, teenagers in groups; on the other, families with children, parents and even grandparents!

Entertainments for all ages and tastes

There is something for everyone with a plethora of activities, workshops and shows offered by the City and, above all, the joyful and professional gang of Geek Event, the Montpellier association which pulls the strings of the event that it has been organizing for several years.

Calligraphy on candle, sushi workshop, lightsaber, retrogaming, demos and introductions to martial arts… without forgetting the fifteen stands of authors, creators and goodies which filled one of the rooms of Castel: everything was there to satisfy both fans of the genre and novices in the field who were close to 800 to travel for this 2024 vintage of Asia Tsuki.

Surprises and highlights

Surprises and highlights also punctuated this Saturday and won over the visitors of the day, including a video game tournament (with an Iron Man helmet as first prize) with the very recent Tekken 8 on PlayStation 5TM or the highly anticipated Kai Iden concert, cosplay parade and K-pop show.

Once again, Asian culture was able to express itself and find its place in the city of Pescalune for this gently led event.

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